•Good answer•

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You woke up and Tomura was gone. You stole one of his hoodies figuring he wouldn't notice. You walked out and he was in a meeting. You turned around. "No, Love, come here." You did as he said and walked over. He whispered into your ear. "Straddle me." You blushed but climbed over and straddled him. "Thank you." Then he added In a low growl, "Your lucky I'm in a meeting or my hoodie would be on the floor by now." You became flustered and put your head into his neck, also slithering your arms around his chest. He kept talking, but you felt his bulge grow as you were getting comfortable. He ignored it, but grabbed your ass telling you to stop. "Twice, Toga, go do something so the hostages know they aren't lucky. Another meeting once these bandages are off me. Everyone come back in about a week." Then he got up from his chair, carrying you right over his crotch so no one could see it. He walked you into the bedroom and gently pushed you onto the bed. He crawled on top of you, pulling your arms together over your head and holding them with one hand, his other on your waist. "Whyd you decide to move around when you knew I was in a meeting princess?" You tried getting away from his grip on your arms. "Too tight.." He loosened it with a worried face. "Sorry. But answer me." You moved your legs so he wouldn't see your wetness. "Because I was trying to get comfortable..."

"Your lucky your so cute." He pushed his hand under your shirt and started feeling over your nipple making you send out light moans. He slowly pulled down your shorts and his pants. He teases you a bit by moving his tip around your rim. You let out soft moans, slowly getting annoyed by his teasing. You bucked your hips slightly. "You should've waited, now, get on your knees." You slipped off the bed and got on your knees. You couldn't remember the last time he was possessive like this in bed. But it had You going crazy for him. You started kitten licking him, then licking from his shaft up to his tip, making him groan. You then quickly took it in your mouth, making him groan as he slightly gripped the sheets. You started going faster until you could feel his pre-cum dripping down your throat. "Stop." You pulled it out of your mouth, a strand of saliva still hanging. In a growl, he said, "if you want it inside you, beg for it." You looked up at him pleadingly. "Please, Tomura, I need you." He smirked at your desperation. "Okay, get up and come here." You stood up and he pulled you in by the hips. He carefully lifted you onto him, then dropped you so you took his full length. You almost let out a loud moan, but Tomura turned it into a very sloppy kiss. You started rocking your hips back and forth, when suddenly he picked you up and placed you under him. You stared up at him innocently as he started pounding into your sweet spot. You tried arching your back but he placed a light grip on your throat. You gripped the sheet tightly as he started moving his hips faster into you. He bent down and started kissing your neck lightly. He went up your collarbone, and then down to your nipple, showering you with small bites and kisses. He pulled away, and it was obvious he was about to cum. You felt him twitch Inside you, and you both came. He pulled out, and your mixed liquids started spilling onto the sheets. "Tomura?..."

"Yes, princess?" He had turned to get clothes on. "I think we need new sheets. He turned around to see you still sloppy and naked. He grabbed a towel and then helped you get clothes on. You just wanted to wear one of his hoodies, but he gave you a pair of his boxers too. (Also yall in Canon your on birth control which is also why you don't get your period-) "Please come cuddle?"

"Sure darling, one second. He left the room and you heard a screech. He came back. "Toga most definitely had fun..." He climbed into bed with you. He slithered his arms up around your waist, and you played with his hair. Toga came in. "One of them wants to talk to y/n! I think they met when she was kidnapped or something." You sighed. "You don't have to." You frowned. "I'll be right back." You got up and followed Toga. It was the brown haired girl and the pink haired girl. "Y/N, please. We know your not bad! Please... please.."

"I can't help you unless your in the LOV." Ashido made an evil smile. "Then ask if I can join. And uraraka." Uraraka looked terrified. "Do you really wanna do that?"

"Why not? We don't even have quirks that could help us make it far. You'll be rich here. No more worrying about your parents." Her eyes lit up. You left and grabbed Tomura. "They say they wanna join."

"Really? I don't know if we should trust them."

"Please. We don't have enough girls in the LOV and I want to have friends who aren't invisible." (You have a heart. Kinda-)

"Ugh. Let me talk to them Darling. I'll be right back."


About 15 minutes later, the girls came back, Toga and Tomura on both sides of them. "Your lucky I love you, Darling." He lifted your chin for a light peck on the lips. "You have to earn our trust. But Toga will help you train."

"Does y/n train?"

"No. She doesn't get the chance to get hurt."

"Oh. Well, when do we start?" Ashido seemed weirdly excited. But maybe she was eager. "Why are you being so excited? Your friend is terrified." She looked down. "I've always known I wont make it as a hero. I'm not really needed... but as a villain, I can be whatever the hell I want!" He smirked.

"Good answer."

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