fluffy fluf

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The last chapter :), I Will go over old chapters to improve the story overall, but this will be the last new chapter. Also, I think the music above fits so feel free to listen to it if you want.

^^^^^ Nico's Pov. ^^^^^

I squinted, as my eyes tried to get used to the blinding light coming from my window Solace. I thought as I dragged myself out of bed to close the blinds. I heard Will knock on the door and ask, "Are you decent?" I scoffed, "What do you think?" I asked with obvious sarcasm. he burst in and announced as loud as he could without yelling "GET UP IT'S 11 O'CLOCK" I rolled my eyes at his antics "I don't have anything planned" He just sighed "Don't you remember? Percy and Annabeth are here" I forgot about that, but either way, I waved Will out of my room and grabbed a black shirt, a hoodie that wasn't Will's, and some sweatpants, sweatpants wouldn't be my first choice, but it was cold outside. as I got changed, I tried to remember the dream I had, it seemed important but it all just seemed to fade away. while I tried to remember the dream, I realized I was already dressed.so I went outside of my cabin to see my significant annoyance waiting for me. he smiled at me and took my hand as we walked toward the edge of the woods where a small picnic was set out. I could see Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Percy, and Annabeth waiting for us. so, I sat down with Will leaning my head on his shoulder as his arm snaked around my waist. I smiled seeing everyone happy and relaxed, I remember the picnic with the Argo 2, everyone was so tense. I thought to myself as I angled my head toward my lover, he turned his head to look at me. I studied his face taking in the features and smiling to myself. I heard him whisper to me quietly "I had the weirdest dream last night, but I can't quite remember it" he admitted, I gave him a small smile "Me too" I said, whispering. we softly smiled at each other as Leo coughed into his fist and said, "So are you too going to keep making the rest of us feel single or are we going to eat?"

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! this fanfiction has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I am both happy and sad to see it end. But I will still be going through and improving chapters so don't worry ;).

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