togochako :)

543 14 10

Trepole their tree people! (I swear I'm fine)

^^^^^^^ Uraka's Pov. ^^^^^^

Unfortunately, since my psycho girlfriend (A/N yes, they are already dating sue me) decided to attack me and Tsu, I had to reveal that we were dating. but she jumped and hugged me while Tsu just looked at me weirdly but went along with it. we went to try and find the others and I saw everyone else in the distance and told toga to hide so that they wouldn't see her.

— — —The change of the Pov— — —

^^^^^^ Izuku's Pov. ^^^^^^

I was panicking and so was the rest of the crew when we saw some dude with a mask with these weird blue things that looked like marbles, and then he said that our friends were in there. after that, we started chasing him, ran into Uraka and Tsu, and kept trying to catch up to the masked dude. Todoroki kept icing him (A/N not icing, ice), which seemed to slow him down. but it was still hard to keep up with him.

:D I hope you liked this chapter. I will try to have a longer chapter next time, but I just want to make sure I get this out. Also here is some fanart that is not mine:

 Also here is some fanart that is not mine:

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