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Scaramouche's eyes read over the script for what seemed to be the third time with his total focus and concentration.

The stars foretell that the Capricorns will be forced to deal with overwhelming and strong emotions some time this week.

Bullshit, he decided. It was all a ton of bullshit.
He kept reading.

While they may be one of the most reserved and disciplined signs, this feeling will be beyond their control. Be it positive or negative. Good luck!

Scaramouche couldn't help but roll his eyes, his gaze skimming over the other signs, pausing a little at the Virgo's column. It said something about confusion, but Scaramouche shrugged it off to read the last paragraph.

That is a wrap of this week's predictions. Thank you for reading and may the stars guide you to me next week.
   Sincerely, Mona Megistus.

A scoff escaped Scaramouche's lips. He wondered how people could even buy this garbage. One would be an idiot to trust baseless convictions from the sky of all things. He didn't understand how people like Mona were so adamant in blindly accepting that their lives were written and foretold.

"Hey, you ready to leave yet?" Childe's voice fled in from the front door, making Scaramouche jump. Immediately, his hands lurched to hide the astrological column under a couch pillow. He didn't need Childe finding out and making wild assumptions.

Childe blinked before cocking up a brow. "What were you just holding?"

"Do you just barge into people's homes as you please?" Scaramouche frowned, folding his arms.

"It's not like you have anything to hide." Childe shrugged, "but I'm not so sure now."

"I don't have anything to hide. Now let's get going." Scaramouche sighed irritably, grabbing his things with the hope Ajax would just drop the subject entirely.

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