disclaimer + a few words

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Welcome everyone to this Highschool AU scaramona series! 

I've put my heart and soul into writing this and have spent many hours producing words for this fic. It was even to the point where I sprung awake from my bed at like 4-5 am because I have the sudden urge to write. So all of this has been prewritten and will be posted entirely in the course of the next few weeks. I plan to update this fic every Friday, and if I don't/miss a day without notice, then it's likely I'm somewhere stranded in the middle of an island with no wifi. 

This work averages to approx. 40-50k~ words, and it would be almost 4 hours of read time. I hope all of you readers will enjoy whatever I've put together.

Thank you to all my previous readers, (those that have stuck by me in 'you adorn the night', my Scaramona oneshot series) for being so patient with me during my hiatus and being just so loving and sweet. Reading your supporting comments fills my motivation to the brim and I'm able to push out another 1k words.

And welcome to any new readers or even any readers new to the ship as a whole, I hope you'll find my work to your satisfaction and join me on this ride. 

All of the characters in this work originate from the game, Genshin Impact. They are all made by Hoyoverse, and I do not claim to any one of them being my own. This is simply a fan work. 

Thank you for giving this a chance! I hope you all enjoy and stay safe. 

Much love,
Ru <3

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