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— *Broadcast Jockey * —

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Broadcast Jockey


[Live stream in session]
tw: implications of suicide

Ever since you've become Eren's sex partner, he'd stream a lot longer than usual — you assumed he had a lot more material to tell to his horny audience, and you were right; every story he'd tell would be about him giving a woman a nice hard fuck.

He was talking about you.

The comment section was the part that got you the most, it consisted of people being either super jealous or extremely possessive over him, despite not knowing Eren personally — some were even death threats, threats to slit your throat or something; like what the fuck? These bitches acting like the guy knows them. You continued to watch the brunette talk about you, keeping you anonymous.

"Don't get me wrong, fucking guys are awesome but this chick is amazing to have sex with."


Thanks Eren, You thought to yourself with a small pink hue on your cheeks — during the stream, you unexpectedly recieved a phone call; as you grabbed your phone, your face softened from the name of the contact...

Recieving call from

You pressed the answer button, "Hey AJ..." You chuckled, you heard another soft laugh from the other line.

"How's it been N/N?" Jiwon asked with happiness in his voice, you remained silent for a few seconds; gazing up at the live stream a few times, "I've been okay... a lot better the last time you saw me." Judging by Jiwon's silence, he was smiling... relieved that you were okay — okay after your horrible dating experiences. The male on the other line spoke again, "No one's been hurting you?"

"No- of course not, I've been careful ever since."

"That's great Y/N... I wanted to call you if you wanted to hang out again, besides I want to introduce you to my partner." Jiwon replied rather nervously. It's been a while since you two have spoken — so it was natural for Jiwon to be a little scared... It was quite cute to see him nervous; you remembered him being quite the introvert type in the past.

"I would love that." You responded with a smile.

The ravenette from the other line chuckled and said, "Great... You'd love him." Sighing in relief afterwards.

The two of you spoke for a little while before Jiwon had to hang up. You were happy that he found someone genuine... unlike that freak who screwed him over countless times — even though people look at you as harmless, you have quite the skills in fighting; when his ex broke up with him — you didn't hesitate to break his right arm and nose. Jiwon vividly remembers it all... to the sounds of bones breaking and the bruises that marred your S/C knuckles.

[Loading... 6 years ago]

You had just ended your relationship with Luis. Of course you were going through a hard time trying get over the aching pain in your chest — It hurt a lot... and it was a very familiar feeling ever since Chris was caught lacking.

Looking down at the bridge, the cold snow hitting your head.

You were going to vault over the railings until your phone buzzed from your pocket, grabbing it — you checked the contact name...

Incoming call from

"Hey... what's going on?" You asked. Your eyes widen by an inch when you heard stiffled sobs coming from the other line, "AJ? What happened!?" Slightly raising your voice. The male's breathing sounded unsteady... This worried you.

"I caught him at the bar." Was all Jiwon said.

Walking away from the railing, you dashed to the park where you two always meet at — as you reached the snow covered garden; you saw the ravenette on his knees in tears... And a few metres away from you two was his ex boyfriend walking away unbothered. You pulled your friend into an embrace only to quickly remove yourself from him.

Jiwon gazed at you standing up from your spot — stomping your way towards the other male.

"Hey shit stain!" You called out to him furiously.

You saw the male turn around and quickly threw your fist at his nose, the blonde flew back and wailed in pain — liquid crimson running down his pale face, "Are you fucking insane!?" The man spat at you while clutching his dislocated nose tightly. Jiwon watched from afar as is eyes were still moist from his tears.

"Y/N..." He gasped.

He saw you grab his arm and twist it into a direction where no limb should be facing, the ravenette looked away before you could even do it, Jiwon could hear the cries and screams coming from the other male.

"If I ever see you again... Your legs are next." You grit your teeth and threw spit at his face before walking away back to Jiwon.

"That should keep him away." You chuckled

You often remembered that time. It was quite unexpected of you to do something so frivilous... Yet no sense of remorse came to you. Without even realising, Eren had finished his live stream — had it been two hours already?

Leaning back into your pillow, Eren had sent you a message — expecting it to be another hookup, the brunette had requested you for something else.

"A hangout at the arcade?" You read the message out subconsciously.

Weird but okay.

You responded to Eren's message before smiling to yourself, An asshole wanting to hang out with you... Of course. Sasha was right... Your taste in men was shit; especially when it came to this dickhead. Of course you knew this relationship wouldn't go any further, or so you thought.

God knows what Eren might do tomorrow.

now youre probably thinking.
"why is jiwon suddenly a character in the story?" well bcs i think itd be more interesting ;)))

thank you for reading, it means a lot :)
[unedited, sorry for the wait]

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