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— *Broadcast Jockey * —

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Broadcast Jockey


As you walked closer to the entrance of the arcade, another notification on your phone buzzed from your pocket — when you grabbed your phone out, there was more texts from Eren.

He seemed impatient.

Your eyebrows furrowed and hastily messaged the male back — why an arcade out of all places? Not that it was an issue to you, it just seemed strange coming from Eren. You decided to just go inside the arcade and wait foe him there, then suddenly the brunette arrived out of nowhere, "Took you long enough." The male huffed.

You rolled your eyes in response, "What are we doing here?"

Eren ran his hand through his hair and crossed his arms, "No reason honestly, I wanted to hangout with Armin but he had to visit his grandfather so my only option was you take his place."

You raised an eyebrow, "What about Mikasa?"

Aren't they close? You thought.

"She doesn't want to speak to me right now." He responded rather quickly.

You exhaled and put on a fake smile, "Whatever, let's just enjoy ourselves today." Eren agreed and proceeded to drag you to a random racing game, being an experienced gamer yourself, you easily bet him after three races — Eren being the competitive type grew extremely angry onto how many times he's lost against you.

"How in the fuck did you beat me?" He seethed at you.

Thank God for your gaming skills otherwise you'd be considered a noob, "I'm just better than you." You responded with a growing smirk on your face.

The brunette resisted the urge to punch the screen, "You're not as good as me just yet, let's go to that game." Eren pointed to a familiar dance machine with coloured arrows on it's floor — you held back your laughing fit.

"Dance Dance Revolution?"

Eren nodded and pulled your arm to follow him to the game, little did the guy know... you're undefeated in that game, no one has beaten you once. I wonder how this is gonna end up. You thought before snorting to yourself.

You and Eren got on the machine and selected an artist that every person plays on DDR.

Hatsune Miku.

You saw in the corner of your eye that Eren was glued to the screen already, despite the song not even starting yet. Suddenly the screen displayed the arrows and the both of you began to stomp on the buttons. This poor machine being abused by the constant stamping of your feet. Eren gripped tightly on the handle bars while easily following the arrows — The man was actually good at the game.

However a certain section of the song threw him off — losing his high score. Eren looked over at you to see that you still had a perfect combo, "How the fuck?" He mumbled to himself.

Once the game had ended, Eren glanced at your perfect score and clenched his jaw, "How?" The guy blurted out quite baffled.

You laughed in response and cracked your knuckles.

"Talent." You said snarkily, purposely becoming a smartass to piss Eren off.

Eren clicked his tongue in defeat, "I underestimated you." He chuckled. Suddenly the male had the urge to kiss you, he didn't know why — just your funny behaviour made him feel more comfortable. Not admitting to anything, the brunette does kind of feel bad for being a total dickface towards you in the past.

"Hey." Eren suddenly called, it got your attention quickly.

"Let's go to the claw machines." He pointed to the game from behind you.

You laughed and followed the brunette to the claw game — inside the machine were a bunch of cute Demon slayer plushies, oh how you eyed them like a hawk, and Eren seemed to notice that. He tapped his card on the machine and looked at you, "Which one you want?" He asked looking back at the window. You quickly pointed to the last Giyuu plush at the far back.

Eren then moved the claw to the Giyuu toy and easily grabbed it, dropping it into the prize collection.

You hastily grabbed the plush and hugged it tightly, "Thank you EJ, looks like you are good at games after all." You jokingly said before giving the male a quick hug.

Eren was slightly thrown off at the hug, especially the nickname you just gave him.

The brunette slowly returned the hug and took in your warmth.

When the both you broke away from the hug, you chuckled lightly, "You should see your face right now." You said with a grin. Eren huffed and jokingly pushed you, "Shut up." He snapped at you, crossing his arms against his chest. You grabbed Eren's forearm and lead him to the bowling alley that was connected to the arcade.

"One game on me." You smiled.

Eren snorted and cracked his knuckles, "Bet." He replied.

[time skip]

"I win." Eren smirked at you, the scoreboard showed his score being only 10 points higher than yours — the man was quite good at the game you gotta admit.

You frowned at your score but released a laugh, "Alright you beat me."

This can make good story material for tonight. Eren thought as he watched you pack up your things, "What a day." You yawned, pulling out your phone searching for a place to eat, "Are you okay?" You asked the brunette, catching him lost in thought.

Eren snapped his head up, "Oh yeah- no I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"Wanna get Chinese for lunch?" You asked him.

The male nodded, "Sure let's go."

You smiled to yourself as you held the plush toy close to you, Today has been really fun so far. You haven't had this much enjoyment since Luis broke up with you, this is what you needed — a day to remember.

However Eren didn't tell you the full truth.

He was using you again for material.

All for the sake of an audience that didn't actually care about him.

"We better orange chicken." Eren grumbled jokingly.

hey... friendly neighborhood writer who doesn't have a schedule with writing haha.

thank you for reading, i havent been doing so well mentally so this may be on hold again- writing has not been my stromg suit lately.

sorry for the short chapters.

𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗷𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 | eren x reader Where stories live. Discover now