Stand Off

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Yet again the scene starts with Y/N running away as fast as he can.


Uzi & N power on and they then see V powered off so they power her back on

V:H-Huh? Aw c'mon I was having a nice dream

Uzi: You can dream?

V:.....Shut Up

Uzi: Anyways, he got away again so were gonna need to find him.

Uzi: If only there was some way to track him, Hmmm.

Uzi: I know! Maybe if we were to study the energy in the air we could- (she began mumbling to herself)

N: Oh hey look he left footprints!

Uzi: Huh?

N: I said he left footprints!

Uzi: Oh..... Neat

They start to leave

V: Hey I was thinking you guys keep losing so maybe you idiots could untie me so we could beat him.

Uzi: What? No! Your gonna betray us the first chance you get!

V: I won't!

Uzi: Yeah you will!

V: It's not like you have a choice.

Uzi: Ugh fineee

Uzi unties V's

V: Finally!

Uzi points the Rail-Gun at V

Uzi: Don't try anything!

V: I wouldn't dream of it.

V says as she smiles.

Back to Y/N...

Y/N: I've been running forever, I need to take a break.

As Y/N sits down to take a break he suddenly feel tired and ends up resting for 10 minutes until...




Y/N: Huh?

Y/N then sees Uzi and V and turn around to see N.

Y/N: AGAIN!? How did you even find me?

N: I just followed your footprints.

Y/N: Great just Great, OH and you untied her.

Y/N: Now I have to deal "Im NoT lIkE oThEr GiRlS", and Bullshit Ex Machina.

He points at Uzi and N

Y/N: And Mommy? Sorry, Mommy? Sorry, Mommy?

V: So i'm Your mommy now~?

Y/N slaps himself to stop 




Y/N: I don't want to hear a single word about this.

V: *Starts Blushing* No promises~

Y/N: You know what lets just start the fight.

As Y/N finishes his sentence he shoots a rocket at Uzi who flips over it. N then fires a rocket at Y/N hitting him in the back and knocking him over. As Y/N is getting up Uzi steps on his face and pushes him down but he cuts her leg off with his tail and then unhinges his jaw as he eats it and throws her shoe at her.

Uzi: *Screaming in Immense Pain*


V: Damn.

N slashes at Y/N but Y/N jumps up and pulls his wings out to stay in the air but he's hit with a rocket causing his jaw to go back to normal as he falls to the ground. As N spits on Uzi leg to make it regrow V rushes at him with her blades out but he stops her by blocking with his wings before pulling his blades.

V: Lets dance.

Y/N pushes her away

Y/N: Quick question? Why don't you wear pants?

V: I didn't want to hide anything from you~ *Winks

Y/N:*Blushing HARD* (Author's Note: That's not the only thing hard😏)S-shut up.

V: heh

Y/N lunges at V swinging but V blocks it before retaliating and cutting Y/N's right arm off, but Y/N kicks his arm up and catches it in his mouth as his arm regrown and he begins attacking with all three blades.

Uzi finally calms down and gets back up and grabs her Rail-Gun.


Y/N sees this and jumps away from V as he swallows his arm.

Y/N: With a wave of my finger and a flick of my dick one zap from me will kill you quick so get on your knees to suck and blow but not right now I've got to go. 

As he says that he jumps over V at Uzi but hears behind him

V: We have plenty of time to do that right now~

As he gets his head blown up with a rocket

His head reforms only to see he's getting tied up with his own tail but before he can do anything he's sees from the corner of his eye  he sees a bright green light. 


Y/N is cut off by Uzi's laser cannon firing at him his head being destroyed.

After his head reforms he sees that he's tied up but immediately a muzzle covering his mouth and jaw is placed on him causing him to look around seeing that he is surrounded, causing him to finally gives up.

Then V whispers in his ear.

V: Remember what you said earlier~?

Y/N blushes so hard that he starts heating up only for him to power off.

And then V puts a dog collar on him and laughs.

Goofy Ahh Laugh that's the end of this chapter.

Wordz = 724

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