Breaking Point

586 29 2

November 30-Metropolis, Delaware

"So, how does it feel to be thirty-one?" Jimmy asked as you walked into the office.


"If it makes you feel any better, you don't look a day over thirty."

"Gee, thanks."

"You're welcome." He pulled a small box out of his bag and handed it to you. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, Jimmy!" You opened the box and saw a shiny charm bracelet. "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

You sat at your desk and picked up the the small gift bag that was waiting for you.

'I'm sure this isn't exactly your ideal present, but I thought it'd come in handy. It's an emergency location transmitter, or, ELT. Incase of emergencies, give me a beep. Happy birthday! -Kal'

You smiled and took a look inside. It was a small black square device. It had a button, which you assumed was to contact Kal.

Lois and Cat came up next to you and gave their gifts. Lois got you a bottle of perfume, and Cat got earrings.

"Thanks, guys. You're the best."

"Where's Smallville?"

"Don't know."

"Are you guys okay? You've been a little distant the past few days."

"We're fine."

"You can talk to us, Amber."

"I just feel like I'm getting deja vu."

"About what?"

"He's always leaving. I know that he's making up excuses. The other night, he wasn't in bed, so I looked around the apartment. He was nowhere to be found. Then, when he came back in, he told me that he was in the bathroom."

"Ooh, that's bad."

"Smallville doesn't seem like the type."

"I guess he had us all fooled."

"Speak of the Devil."

He came up to you and smiled. He had flowers and and small box in his hands.



"Happy birthday."


He handed you the flowers first, which you set on your desk, then the box. You opened it and saw a shimmering gold necklace.

"It's your constellation. I don't know much about astrology, but, I know you like it."

"Will you put it on me?"

"Yeah." He went behind you and fastened the chain around your neck.

"Thank you, Clark."

"Of course."

He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. He didn't say anything, but you took it as a silent apology. Still, that wasn't good enough.

"I've got work to do." You said as you pulled away and sat in your chair.

"Yeah. Me too." He sat in his seat and gave you a soft smile.

You had never been a fan of large parties. It always felt like too much work. This was probably the largest party you've thrown since you turned ten. You and Clark sat the table, waiting for everyone else to come in.

Small World (Clark Kent x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now