Welcome Wagon

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August 22-Metropolis, Delaware

You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the radio. 'My Girl', Zeeke's favorite.

"Turn it up, mommy!" Zeeke pleaded from the backseat.

"I already turned it up, sweetie. I need to focus."

"But it's my favorite song."

You could see the little boy's puppy dog eyes in the rearview mirror. He had big beautiful brown eyes that could get you to do anything he wanted. Just like his father.

"Okay, just a little." You smiled as you turned the dial a few notches.


After a few minutes, you pulled between the two yellow lines and got out of the car. You grabbed the small gift bag in the passenger seat before leading Zeeke towards the building.

"Why can't I just stay with you?"

"Because, you're five now. Which means you have to go to big boy school."

"I hate big boy school."

"I know. I wish you could stay with me too."

You walked him into the building and down the halls until you found his classroom.

"I'll be back at 3:35 exactly, okay?"


"I got you something."


You handed him the bag and watched excitement wash over him. He dug around for the contents before pulling out the red and blue toy.


"Whenever you feel scared, just remember that Superman is with you."

"Thanks, mommy!" He wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. I have to go to work, okay?"


A tall blonde woman came out of the room. She wore a large smile on her face and greeted you.

"You must be Zeeke! I'm Ms. Taylor!"


"Would you like to come inside?"

He looked at you for a moment as if to make sure it was alright. You gave him a small nod to reassure him. He smiled and took her hand as he waved to you.

You could've sworn you felt a tear about to fall. It was refreshing to see him happy. Especially after all he'd been through. You waved back until he was inside the classroom.

"Crap, I'm late." You sighed as you checked your phone.

You repeatedly pushed the button on the elevator, hoping it would make it come faster. 

"Come on." You whispered. "I'm already late."

"Need some help?" 

You turned around to see a woman smiling at you. She had long black hair, and a dark blue pantsuit. She looked so familiar, you just couldn't connect the dots.

"Uh, yeah. I've been here for like 4 minuets."

"You gotta hold it for a second." She explained as she did just so. "Management is too cheap to get them fixed."


"No problem." She smiled. "What floor?"


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