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〚Your P.o.v〛

"H-Hi, Y-You're (Y/n) right? I've noticed you around school, and I-I thought you were really pretty, I was wondering if you'd like to hang—"

"Get lost," Craig cut in immediately, glaring at the dude.

Right now, it was the second break before the last period. I was standing in the hall with Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Tolkien, and Clyde when this guy who I'd never seen in my life approached me. Before I could say anything, Craig took care of it for me. Thank goodness. The lesser interactions I make, the lesser the problems, and the lesser the anxiety. A win is a win.

"C'mon, man, you're not the boss of her!" The guy said to Craig.

"Did you not get the memo? I thought I made myself pretty clear in that video," He said, referring to the video filmed at Bebe's party after the incident.

"I thought that just meant...yknow... no raping her," He said aloud.

My mouth fell open. The fucking audacity of this random ass man! I looked at Craig, and he was PISSED. He put his fist up about to go throwing them, till Tweek wrapped his arms around his torso, holding him back, "Craig! You don't want to get expelled, do you?" Tweek said worriedly.

"You better leave kid, before we have a problem," Tolkien said coldly to the dude.

He scurried off, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"J-J-J-Jeez (Y/n), the guys at this school just aren't letting up! They still keep trying to hit on you!" Jimmy remarked.

"Yeah, it's seriously getting annoying. That's like the fifth dude this week and it's only Wednesday!" Tolkien remarked.

"I know a way to fix it! All you gotta do is get a fake boyfriend! And as your best friend, I'll gladly—"

"Shove it up your ass Clyde," I flipped him off. The guys immediately started laughing, excluding Clyde who was all butt-hurt. Clyde leaned down, resting his head on my shoulder, pulling me close to him,

"You don't mean that, do you (Y/n)? You love me right?"

I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and it was time for the last period. "Alright, (Y/n), c'mon, let's go," Craig said.

I nodded and we started to walk to our last period, which he and I had together. The last class we had together was Culinary Arts. I liked cooking class, even though I wasn't super great at it. I was careful enough, but since I only learned to cook this year, I still had things to work on. The main reason I liked this class was one; Craig was there, and two; food. What's not to like?

We arrived at class together, and Ms. Pearl smiled at us. "My (Y/n), it seems you and Craig always seem to arrive at the same time!~" She said teasingly.

"We're friends," I replied shortly. Craig remained silent.

"Oh, of course, you are! Friends!" She said teasingly, with a giggle.

I was about to sit down, when she continued, "Yknow (Y/n) if you ever plan on dropping any of your other classes, you should really consider my home economics class! A pretty girl like you could really use classes like those," She said. Her voice was high-pitched and smooth, but at the same time, the tone was kind of unpleasant to the ears. But the words that came out of her mouth were much more unpleasant.

"I don't plan on dropping any classes, but if it comes to that, I'll keep it in mind," I said shortly, trying to get this conversation to end.

"Oh, well, I guess a pretty girl like you wouldn't need home economics anyway! You'll have no problem landing a wealthy husband!" She said enthusiastically.

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