〚15〛The Bet

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〚Your P.o.v〛

I stepped out of my room, just to see Wendy step out of my brother's room. I was surprised. I don't remember her staying the night? Maybe she was sleeping last night in his room when he was waiting downstairs for me?

"Good morning, erm... need a toothbrush?" I broke the silence.

"Yeah, thanks, girl! That'd be great!" She said with a smile. My eyes glanced over to her, and she was wearing my brother's pajamas.

"We slept in pretty long, didn't we?" Wendy remarked.

"Yeah, it's like 2 in the afternoon," I said in return. We went into my bathroom together, and I opened a drawer to give her a new toothbrush. It was in the package still.

"Thanks," She started to open the package, and I started to brush my teeth. Dovahkiin and I's bathroom was one of those bathrooms with two sinks so I wasn't worried. Wendy and I made small talk as we brushed and washed our faces. By the end of it, I offered to lend her some clothes, and she agreed. I guess we're spending time together until the party.

Once in my room, she looked through my clothes, and I let her borrow whatever she wanted. After we changed, she insisted she do my makeup for the party. I let her do so. Why? I give in easily.

After she finished my makeup, my brother wanted to hang out with Wendy, so I was left on my own until Wendy and the girls decided they wanted to go to the party. I'm so nervous about that...

Ugh, I better text Craig and the others that I'm going...


Kyle stood in front of Stan's house all the way out of town. It took like an hour's drive to get there, but he wouldn't pick up any of his calls or texts. Kyle walked down the path to his front door and knocked.

The door opened, revealing Mrs. Marsh.

"Oh, Kyle, you came all the way out here to see Stan?"

"Yeah, he hasn't been picking up my calls since this morning,"

"Oh, well, he's in his room. I don't know what's wrong with him these days! You know, he was really getting better, he stopped stealing alcohol from the pantry, and he started to go to school on time... but something happened. He's not drinking anymore, but he seems really sad about something. I just don't know how to reach him. Maybe you could go talk to him," Sharon said, her voice laced with concern.

Kyle felt guilty for a moment because he knew why Stan was acting like that. He was also surprised to hear that his parents were still under the impression that they were still friends. Stan had really been keeping his emotions and problems to himself.

Kyle made his way through the house into Stan's room. He knocked on the door before entering. In his bed was Stan who was buried under many blankets and pillows.

"Go away, I'm busy." He mumbled.

"Dude, it's me," Kyle said. Stan got up from under his blankets and pillows and sat up. He looked over to Kyle and rubbed his eyes just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Kyle took notice of his red eyes. He could tell he'd been crying.

"What do you want?" Stan asked gruffly.

"I want to talk about (Y/n). I need your advice."

Stan glared at him, "Are you kidding me bro? Fuck off."

"Please Stan, I need your advice. I think my judgment is off because of how jealous I've been this week!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Okay, fine! Just tell me what you want and then leave." Stan said.

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