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〚Your P.o.v〛

It's Sunday, aka, the day after Clyde showed me that picture of Kyle and Bebe. I still want to trust Kyle, even though the picture did imply something horrible. I just can't believe Kyle would do something like that... He knows better. He's so sweet, and considerate, he wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt me.

My phone started to go off. Looking over, I saw it was Wendy. Weird, she usually just texts me.

I picked it up.

"AHHHHH GIRL THANK YOUUUU! Your brother and I are dating now!" She screamed.

"Cool," I replied.

I told Dovahkiin about Wendy and he seemed pretty indifferent about it at the time. I guess he really was into her. Good for them.

"I'm having a sleepover today since we have Monday off! You have to come!"

"Uh- I-I don't kno—"

"I knew you'd say that! I already asked your parents, they said you'd come!" Wendy said cheerfully.

"Oh dear,"

Wendy laughed at me on the other end, "Don't worry! I only invited a few of the girls! Nichole, Heidi, and Isla! I was going to invite Bebe, but...she seems, yknow what, just come over! I'll tell you then!"

"Wait, right now?"

"Yeah! All the girls are already getting ready to come over!"

"Okay, I'll see you," I replied shortly.

Once the call ended. I sighed. I sent a text to Clyde;

💛Clyde 👹

(Y/n): i'm going to Wendy's for a sleepover tn. my family is making me go. don't bother me today

💛Clyde 👹:😭😭😭

(Y/n): you can live a day without me, go bother Tolkien or something.

I silenced him, and then put my phone down. I guess I better get ready for the sleepover.


"This is good, what is this?" I said blankly, drinking this pink drink in my hands.

"It's a mango-dragonfruit-refresher with lemonade from starbies!" Wendy said to me.

"Wait let me record that—" I took out my phone, and opened the recordings app. Wendy giggled and neared me, before saying into my phone, "Mango-dragonfruit refresher with lemonade!"

I smiled at her, as I ended the recording. "Thanks,"

Now I can just play this recording to the cashier when ordering. Sweet.

"You're literally so cute (Y/n)! I wish I was as cute as you!" Heidi exclaimed brightly.

I looked at her confusedly, "Me? Cute? What do you mean?"

"You're always so shy, and oblivious to everything! And the way you speak, you're always talking in short sentences, and just nodding along with what everyone says! It's so cute!"Heidi said cheerily.

Cute? That's cute? Wrong. That's actually— 👉😎👉social anxiety

"Oh... haha, thanks Heidi... but I think you're way cuter than me," I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Aww, you're so sweet (Y/n)!"

All the girls laughed, and I laughed along with them because... that's the least awkward social choice?

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