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‼️gore warning‼️
inspiration for this chapter comes from definitelyokay22 ,❤️🫶🏻

Heat. That was all you could feel. The heavy air lying on your skin. This wasn't the gentle heat of the Canary Islands, this was the thick jungle heat of Brazil.

Your head felt as if it was going to split. You didn't know where you were, either. Was this Russia? No, too warm. Where was König? Was he ok? Panicking, you stumbled to your feet, but failed. You fell back down again, your weight too much to hold underneath you. What the fuck? Your brain switched, now it was survival. You weren't tied up, you were free. Your surroundings. An empty room, with a door on one end, then a small window above you.

You took a moment to breathe. You were quite good when it came to these situations, you were able to manage yourself. Taking in deep breathes, you stood. Quickly, you looked down to what you were wearing. Tank top and cargos. You remember. You remember putting them on, back in the house. Then you went downstairs and then...

Bang. Someone threw the door in. Your eyes flicked up, you were alert. Don't stand in a corner y/n, that's dumb. You moved from the corner you were in, and into where you could see who just walked in.

In front of you was a tall, harsh man. He looked Brazilian, and had a beautiful head piece on. It was filled with colourful feathers, from all kinds of differ birds. It all clicked into place. This was the native drug cartel. They had taken you. They wanted revenge.

Your muscles tensed up. Don't panic. Stay calm. The tall man with the feathers approached you slowly. "My name is Augustin. You listen to me, you have no issue, yes?" he said to you, with an accent. His face was weather beaten, he was definitely a native. He wasn't a young man anyway, his forehead lines creasing his face.

You stared at the man. Reveal nothing. "Why am I here" you spat at the man. The man straightened up and laughed. He then called out the door, something in a language you couldn't understand. Next thing you knew, a group of soldiers filed in behind him. "This snake bites!" said the feathered man. You had forgot his name.

"Viper, you know why you're here. Now, make this easy, and we let you go easy. But if not, we will make it worse for you, simple?" said the feathered man. You weren't giving this asshole any information, nothing comes out of your mouth.

"What do you want" you said, your stance low. "What did you do, with our thousand plus men eh? Where are you keeping them?" the man hissed. Is he crazy? First of all, it had been two years since you killed them all, and they were dead. What does he want from you?

"Well they're dead" you spat. "What else would they be?" you said, a breathy laugh escaping you at the end. The feather man shook his head. "No, no Viper. You couldn't take out a whole thousand men on your own. Who was with you" the man pulled a blade from his pocket. It was a small pocket blade, that he flipped up to reveal the sharp metal on the other side.  You tensed. What was he going to do with that?

You gulped. "I killed them all" you said. The man got closer. "No. Who or where?" he asked. A sick smile was plastered on his face. His sharp teeth were on display, making him look like a monster.

You didn't answer. He shook his head. "No no, you're not playing along hm?" he got down to your level. "If you not talking, I make sure it's difficult you can't talk ever again" he said, the look in his eyes not making you feel good about what he was going to do.

He called something over to the guards, and one of them came over to you. He crouched down, and slipped his finger into your mouth. The fuck? You bit his finger, what the fuck was he doing? "Do it" said the feathered man, lighting a match. He then took his blade, and ran the match over it. He threw the hot blade down to the guard, and before you could react, the guard stuck the scorching blade into your mouth.

The pain was unbearable. The burning sensation caused you to open your mouth, in shock. Suddenly, the guards thumb held your jaw open and...
You screamed in agony. Your tongue felt like it had been cut off, the pain splitting through your tongue. Blood spilled out of your mouth, your hands trying to catch it in front of you.

The feathered man laughed. "Now you can hiss like the real viper you are" the man laughed again. "Next time we come, you talk" the man turned around, his guard following. They left the room, leaving you behind with blood pouring into your hands.

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