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(this is unusual writing this quick dayum)

The next few days were leisurely. Being cared for by Konig, not having to do anything and just communicate using your blackboard. Your tongue began to heal, and one day you took off the plastering. Your tongue had healed. But, there was a slight slit at the tip. Touching at your mouth, you were trying to come to terms with the unwanted body modification, your eyes wide as you stared into the mirror. It was becoming more and more real to you each day, that you were a servant to the nickname you had been given. Viper, serving the name and reputation well, especially with this new modification from the drug lord.

The day of the masquerade was tomorrow. You still had no idea what to wear, considering that you had never been to a masquerade ball. Like, who has? You also found it funny how Price just had masquerade masks lying around, it painted a funny picture in your head. Just then, you heard a gentle knocking on the door, before Konig walked in. He took off his sniper hood and came up behind you, snaking an arm around your waist, and the other on your chin. You smiled softly. "Ah.. theres my girl eh? Hows the mouth today hm?" he asked softly, looking into the mirror and gently teasing your mouth open with a finger. He raised his brows when he seen the progress and his gentle eyes lit up. "Ah! All better! Any words yet mein liebste?" he asked gently, spinning you round and caressing your jaw.

"A few.." you said, the first words you had spoken to Konig in around two weeks. Konigs eyes and heart melted at the sound of your voice. It was as if your absence of words was now on him, as he leaned down and kissed you ever so softly, not wanting to hurt you. "I love you, Y/n, you know that eh?" he said with a big smile, his slightly crooked teeth showing. He lifted you up, sitting you on the bathroom counter behind you. You smiled. "I know Konig. I love you too" you smiled like a school girl, blushing like a peony rose as he looked into your eyes. Konig was this huge, scary man that most people would piss their pants at the sight of him, but to you he was the man that cared. He was the man that loved, he was the love that you needed, and that kept you on your own two feet.

"Show me that tongue again eh?" he said softly, prizing your mouth open with his finger. He examined it for a moment, rubbing his finger over it, before leaning over and kissing your open mouth, softly sucking at your tongue. Konig let out a shaky moan of relief, finally able to kiss you again. Konigs eyes were full of lust as he pulled away, an almost animalistic instinct running through him as thoughts of him taking you right then and there came to his mind. "I needed that.. for so long.. my apologies.." he said, taking both your hands and holding them, trying to show that he wasnt going to use you just for that. "I know Konig. I know" you said softly, and then wrapped your arms around his neck, melting into his touch.

"How about dinner eh my girl? All youve eaten the past few days is smoothies and yogurt. Not very satisfying eh my dear?" he said softly, rubbing your thigh soothingly and softly. You grinned and slipped off the counter, following him to the bases kitchen, Konig tossing his sniper hood back on before heading out of your room. Walking into the kitchen, it was empty, and the golden hour sun spilled into the kitchen, illuminating the South American furniture. Konig lifted you and sat you on the counter. "What ya makin?" you asked, smiling as you got used to the feeling of words in your mouth, and not having to scribble it on a blackboard anymore. Konig winked at you. "Surprise, my girl. You look beautiful in this light eh?" he said with a sly grin under his mask. It was clear what sort of mood he was in.

After a while of contently watching Konigs big hands prepare, a question came to mind. "You remember the night we met huh?" you said softly, leaning back. Konig stayed quiet for a moment before nodding. "Yes, you dropped a glass and hurt yourself. You silly girl" he said, shaking his head, but and air of playfulness and maybe some concern were in there too. You grinned at him and shook your head. That night, you and Konig had a beautiful dish of pasta, and a glass of white wine. After the meal, Konig looked into your eyes. There was a certain look in them. Love. Passion. Want. He suddenly stood, taking your smaller hand in his big one. "Where we goin in such a hurry huh?" you said, quite flustered at this.

"Bedroom. Now" 

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