Woe's Well That Ends Well.

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Wednesday pushed open the door of the dorm with practiced stealth. But her efforts were in vain, as Enid immediately sprang off the bed and rushed towards her in a frenzy of energy.

"Oh my god, Wednesday you're alive! I was so worried! I did something real, real bad and I need you to reassure me it's not that bad-technically, it was Thing's idea, and I went along, so that makes me an accomplice, and I know it goes against my moral code, but I thought you'd dig it, but it's bad, right? I mean, we totally shouldn't have done it..." the blonde werewolf rambled.

"Calm down, Enid. Have you killed someone? If it's about hiding the body, I can assist you with that."

Wednesday interjected flatly. Enid took several deep breaths, trying to compose herself.

"No, no, nothing like that," she said quickly. "When I was... um, in the quad with Ajax, Thing had the brilliant idea to stone Heather while me and Ajax... um, make out super passionately. And Thing climbed on Ajax's head and flipped off Heather to get her attention, then yanked off the beanie and boom! She got stoned!"

Wednesday's dark eyes gleamed with curiosity, but her expression remained impassive.

"Interesting, but pray tell, why on earth did you pull that off?"

Enid took a deep breath and looked earnestly at Wednesday.

"I did it because I overheard Heather talking to her friends," she confessed.

"She was ranting on and on about how Xavier had dumped her... She said she's gonna try to...you know, spice things up tonight to get him back. But I couldn't just stand by and let her ruin your chances..."

Wednesday's mind raced. She had always been careful to keep her infatuation with the tortured artist a secret, but perhaps her roommate was smarter than she let on.

"I see," she managed finally,

"Enid, you didn't have to do that,"

Enid shrugged, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You're my bestie, Wednesday, and I want to see you happy - I mean, less murderous. Plus, I totally ship you and Xavier! Your weird uncle said I could be first mate along with Thing!"

Thing, always the supportive appendage, gave a thumbs-up in affirmation. Wednesday chose to ignore the last part about Uncle Fester. She would deal with him later.

"Thank you, Enid, I appreciate the gesture. You just earned yourself a two-second hug."

Enid's eyes widened in bewilderment, then she gave Wednesday a quick hug before bouncing joyously back to her side of the room.

"Where is Heather now? Her stoned form?"
Wednesday inquired suddenly.

The werewolf froze in her tracks.

"Oh. That. Shit- I was so stressed out that I totally forgot-"

Thing tapped rapidly on the table, the message barely comprehensible in the appendage's state of excitement. Wednesday and Enid both managed to get the key words.

Garbage chute. Thursday is garbage day. Probably at the town dumpster by now. LOL.

A heartfelt, albeit slightly off-putting smile crept onto Wednesday's face.

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