Part 3

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"Ohh. Your awake."

"Yes. It's mid day."


"And we've reached the fleet. Ashoka wants to talk to you. Privately. I'll be seeing you around."


"Don't worry." Sabine was gone. And Ashoka took her place.

"Hello Jun."

"Ashoka. I'm sorry. I should not have come. I'll leave soon. As soon as I can."

"Hold that thought for a moment." She walked up to me and placed her arms on my shoulder.

"You did the right thing back then. I have felt your guilt. But. Let it go. I do not hold you for anything that happened that day."


"Sabine told me everything. You have gone through worse than any of us. We had time to adjust. You. Well. I want to help."

"Ashoka. I don't deserve it."

"None of us do." She then hugged me and then pulled my helmet off. I had pulled it on when I woke.

"Please. Just do it."

"No. Never. I would rather die than do it."

"In my short life. I've met many people. And none would do what you are doing."

"I never lost trust in you. Never will. I need you to stay here."


"With the fleet. For now just rest. Gain back the force you once had. I want to help."

"Ashoka. I've fought in a war since I was six. I don't want to fight anymore."

"I know. But."

"Ashoka. Stop. I'm not you. I can't ever be like you. If I fight anymore I-I'm going to fail. Not just once. But hundreds of times. And it will cost lives. Not just mine but others. The people that trust me to help them. Ashoka. I just killed all of the clones I spent years with. They are no longer with me. And then now it's suddenly been eleven years. It's too much. I need rest. For more than a day or a week. I want to sleep again. Eat like a normal person. Be normal."

"You never were."

"That's what bothers me. I had plans after the war. I wanted to settle. Calm. And peace. I wanted that. But now. Now it's never going to happen. I know how the Sith work. You kill one and three will take their place." My life was falling apart and I was finally realizing it. Before I was in a state of shock. Just going with the flow. But it was catching me.

"Ashoka. Please let me have peace."

"Jun. If you die. Then it will just be me."

"No. There are others. Rex. I have a feeling he's alive."


"When you all were young you never had to deal with this. I've never been young. I was always meant to be a master earlier so I trained and trained. Never a moment to truly relax and have peace."

"Come with me." Ashoka brought me out of the commons into the command ship of the small fleet.

"This is my room." She opened the door and inside was a wall of objects. Things from the past. The six not with us and their items.

"Jun. It's now us two. The others didn't make it. Come with me." She led me further and into her bedroom. Where she sat in meditation in the center of the room.

"Join me." I sat and we looked into the force together. Seeking for answers to questions neither of us truly knew.

"You were a Jedi master for a reason. Show it."

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