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"Yep just gotta flip this lever and we are good to go."
"Right okay"
"Do you wanna flip it?"
"Errrm no no you do it"
"Alright alright, 3...2...1"
"Jimmy get out, you m-might wanna leave, that's never happened before."
"But my cod head, Fwhip what about my cod head?"
"If it comes out I'll bring it over!"
"I'm just trying fix it. No-"
"Fwhip he's bye bye, he's gone!"
"What do you mean?!"
"Yeah did you guys see that big bang, that was him."
"Jimmy go home, go back to Lizzie and Joel, it'll be fine."
"Ye okay, let's keep each other updated, good luck."
Fwhip lay in his bed, squinting his eyes from the sun shining through the window. He keeps having that dream, flashbacks from his past. But that was 30 years ago now, 30 years since he and the Codfather blew up the majority of their world, his closest allies and friends either died or went missing like the ruins of their empires. He got out of bed, and looked into the mirror, his ginger hair had grown long and messy, with a few strands of grey on the sides, his beard was the same as it had been and his purple eyes had grown old and tired. Fwhip picked up his red scarf and placed it round his neck, he practically looked the same as he did 3 decades ago, maybe loose the greyish hair.

The redhead raced down the stairs in search for his sister, but no sign of her. He searched the kitchen, and her room but no wizard was found, she was probably outside. Opening the door from his small little cottage, Fwhip saw a lady in purple clothing and a long ginger plait down her front.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Gardening, like usual, look at this, it's a lilac it's similar to the ones Kathrine gave me." She sighed, Gem missed her friends, Kathrine, Scott, Sausage and Pearl. She hoped at least one of them survived. "Hey Gem, I keep having these dreams, about you know..."
" Fwhip I know it's hard, especially that is was yours and Jimmys fault, but that's in the past now. We need to move on."
He tried to protest though like usual his Rosebling would win, "They are memories Fwhip, I can't do anything to stop them unless you want to forget them completely, clearly you don't." She kissed him on the cheek at walked back into the abode.

Fwhip wandered away into his shed, inside was all his tinkering equipment that he had tried to replicate from his old tools, red stone was sprinkled everywhere, lightening the room with a red hue across the room. He sat down onto his stool, opening a draw near his feet, old blueprints of weapons and buildings he had made all those years ago, his dusty red goggles and a small red crystal. It just fit in the palm of his hand, it was the only thing remaining from the crown he once wore, it represented his good friend Sausage of Mythland. He knew Sausage had died, but didn't want to except it, they had been friends since childhood, weather they were teasing his twin or playing pranks on other emperors, every moment was cherished.

"Fwhip! Where did you put the potatoes?" He heard his sister yell from outside. He got up and left, glancing back at his rusty forge, it's was nothing compared to his one in the Grimlands, but it was all he had.

Word count = 593

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