-Colourful tears-

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The grey clouds cascaded across the mesa and a large structure below, once known for its colour and shape now stood, dark and practically spilt in half. The Kingdom itself was a ghost down, mainly buried in sand while the people who once called it home left it for a place where the king was less insane. The Ocean Queen's death made a hole in Joel's heart that could never be filled, his love was too strong for the axolotl hybrid. He started to act more different after the funeral, he became more paranoid over the smallest things, Jimmy was the only family left in his life so being away from him for like 5 minutes was enough to get him paranoid. With no one else to turn to for help on his friend's health, his sister dead, husband dead, Pix somewhere deep in the Pixandrian Desert, he really wasn't sure what to do. By the day Joel was more hard work one minute he was shouting and blaming people for his wife's passing the next crying in Jimmy's arms. Then he had enough.


"It's his fault! He gave her that orb that killed her, made her a fish because of that orb, because of that elf!"
"Joel he wasn't to know what would happen."
"I don't care! He KILLED MY WIFE! How dare you protect the man that caused your sisters death."
"That's enough Jo-"
"NO! That's enough. Stop protecting him, your lucky it wasn't me tha-"
"You come back now Jimmy! Please no.."

Only natural light spread across the palace leaking in through the broken windows and cracks. Dark corners of the hallways hid the faded wallpaper and old paintings of the former king that ruled these lands. Jimmy walked slowly down the stairs, passing a large portrait on the wall, moving the curtain aside he was faced with a smiley young couple hand in hand with their allies side by side them, the fish, the copper king and the florist. He remembered that day, Lizzie's mad hair day which Kathrine was trying to fix, Pix's hay fever from the flowers outside. A total nightmare behind the scene.
The blonde slowly climbed down the stair case trying to avoid fallen debris scattered around. It was quite, too quite, no birds flew past the grey skies of the badlands, no foot steps. That's what worried him.
"Joel! Joel are you here bud?" He called. Where was he?
Jim finched at the sound of glass crunching, he look down to see nothing but a marble floor beneath him. He wasn't alone - was he? The looked back up starring at the shadows in front of him, he heard footsteps getting closer and faster. Jimmy turned around and saw a figure leap at him, bringing him to the ground. The stranger held him pinned to the floor, his long brown hair all in his face, a green streak standing out just of centre. Jimmy struggled to get the man off, "JOEL!! It's me Jimmy! Please get off m- ouch!"
The brunette froze, breathing heavily. Then sat up and glared right at the hybrid, Jimmy couldn't make out his face much but could sense he was shook. "J-Jimmy... is that you?" He mumbled wiping the hair of his face. He had dark rings under his eyes and a scruffy beard along with a few small cuts, Jimmy guessed from the broken glass. Then Joel leaped in to his friends arms and began to cry on his shoulder. Tears rolling down his face he looked up to face him, "I'm so s-sorry, Jimmy I'm sorry."
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry too bud." He gave a weak smile and pulled him back into a hug, "I shouldn't of left you."

"I brought you some tea." Said Joel whilst holding a broken tea cup, wobbling in his hand. "Joel we need to talk, I found Gem and Fwhip and we are meeting up with the remaining Emporers, hopefully. So we need to go to Mythland, like now."
"Nice to see you too. Why are we doing this Jim?"
"Oh yeah, right sorry... Sausage and Pixl know a spell to make a people into a new life, over a certain time. So Gem and Sausage are going to make a spell and someday in the future we will come back as new people. Make sense?"
"And you call me crazy."
"Jimmy how do you know this is even gunna work? And for starters Sausage and Pix are dead."
"That but I'm not completely confident on, nor the rest. They should be alive, I'll explain on the way! For now we need to go to Mythland, it's a long walk and you definitely need to get out of here."
"Hey Jim, let me show you something."

Joel limped over to a large extension of the palace while Jimmy tagged along behind. The brunette tapped a button on the side of a door, opening an entrance into what looked like a garage. Joel picked up something rusted in his hands that made a loud beeping noise. "Fancy a drive?"
"Joel, no way! That thing still works?"
"It bloody well should! If I've got a chance to see Lizzie again then it's gunna have to!"
The two men got into the rusty old blue car and turned on the engine, "Right I'm driving cause your clearly not in any state to drive."

And with that the mad man and his fishy friend flew West in hoping they find what once was the magical yet corrupted lands of Mythland in there Weasley flying car.

Word Count = 942

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