Chapter 9: the day

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Mripilar Itzel and Oliver arrived at Death's base.
Itzel stood there at the entrance scared "I am coming ash.." she said and held a sword, Oliver looked at her and Mripilar and they all broke in, but Death was prepared, he made each of them be trapped in different rooms, Oliver was fighting his parent and sister, and Itzel was with Ash.

Itzel fought Ash trying to make her remember, it was a tough fight but Ash suddenly stopped and fell to the ground, when Itzel tried to reach out for her Ash grabbed a dagger and pointed it on her, Itzel back away but the room wasn't that big, finally Ash took control and her eyes turned normal, the room suddenly was getting smaller "Ash?!" Itzel said tearfully, "PRETZEL!" Ash hugged Itzel tight.

Meanwhile with Mripilar, Mripilar was defeated by her brother who left her on the ground and pushed the buttons to make the rooms get smaller "you're done now Mr Mr." He laughed.

Oliver was fighting his family scared, "MAPA RILEY ITS ME! OLIVER!" He said as tears fell down his face and he went to hug them both tight trying to make them remember who he is, they turned back to normal too, "Oliver!" Both Riley and Morgan said as they hugged Oliver who was crying and scared, the room began to shrink, the walls got closer to each other.

Ash held Itzel close "it's gonna be okay" she said repeatedly, suddenly a speaker voice was hear and it was death saying "will it be okay? How about I show you something." You could've hear Mripilar from behind shouting 'no', something controlled Oliver Ash and Itzel making their eyes glow and making them remember their past lives and how they got here, and guess what, Mripilar was involved in all that, she was the one behind this all, Morgan and Riley looked confused at Oliver who slowly turned back to normal, Ash and Itzel turned back to normal, now angry "I TRUSTED YOU MRIPILAR." Ash yelled crying, Itzel cried,
Oliver got angry, "I WANT TO GO BACK HOME TO MY PLACE AND YOU HID THIS FROM ME."Oliver yelled.
The rooms got smaller and smaller, "idiots, let me show you something. Something that might tell you how you got here" Death made them see their tombstones, "we are.." Ash tried to proceed what just happened,
"No no no!" Itzel denied, "IT CANT BE TRUE!" Oliver cried, Riley and Morgan knew the truth.
"Hm.. that is really heartbreaking, now back to our business." The walls begins to come closer to each other that's when Oliver's eyes began to glow again, as an act of anger and sadness he broke the walls freeing everyone and goes after Mripilar and Death, Mripilar was laying on the floor Morgan and Riley glared at her, she looked in pain and guilty, Death held a gun and grabbed Riley, "IF ANY OF YALL MOVE SHES GONE." Death pointed their gun to Riley's head, "RILEY!" Itzel yelled, Maripilar shot an arrow to Death's leg, "run. I'll hold him.", Ash nodded and they all ran out Itzel took Riley and picked her up running out with her.
"Let's do it brother." She said, "you know they are after you. You know I can tell them." He said "I stopped hiding anymore." She replied, they both fought and Mripilar pressed on the button that made the building wreck, "goodbye William..." the building fell while she was inside of it.
Our "gang" ran out exactly when the building fell "MARIPILAR!" Ash looked at the ruined base tearfully, Oliver saw her hand under the pile of the broke bricks and woods, he rushed to help with the help of Ash and Itzel, the three dragged her to Riley and Morgan, they stood there worried about her "kids... I'm sorry for everything..." she said coughing looking hurt, "this is my time to go.." she mumbled, "no no no! Please don't!" Ash said crying, "goodbye kids..." Ash Itzel and Oliver hugged her body as she faded away and turned into thin air.
"Oliver.." Morgan hugged him tight, Riley went to Itzel to make sure she's alright "I'm okay I'm okay" Itzel said holding Riley's hand.
Suddenly Oliver looked at his hand "mapa.. what is going on.." he asked, they took a look at Oliver's hand that was turning into thin air, and same with Ash and Itzel, "your soul is free now.. which means you are..." Morgan hugged their child tight, Riley held Itzel's face "is that it?... they are not gonna return?..." Riley asked, Morgan shook their head 'no', Riley teared up and so did Itzel, Riley kissed Itzel for the first and last time, Ash looked at them all "it was nice meeting you.. goodbye" Ash disappeared, Itzel slightly smiled "see you someday.." Itzel said and disappeared, "meeting both of you and Mom were the greatest gifts ever..." Oliver said and hugged them tight for the last time, he vanished from existence.
Morgan returned to Eva with the new and with Riley, Eva hugged them all crying hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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