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|Wilson home|

It's just after midnight and Fatima is expecting to be home alone because her mom is working night shift at the hospital (she's a nurse), Nyla is at her dad's for the weekend and Dee is working at the club. Devon walks her to the door...

**SN: Devon's pic has been added to the main cast page**

Fatima: thanks for the ride.

Devon: (smiles) so you're not gonna invite me in?

Fatima: no because we both know what that would lead to.

Devon: okay and what's wrong with that? We're both grown and we have the house to ourselves.

Fatima: Devon no! I'm not gonna disrespect my parents house by having sex under their roof and I thought we were over this sex talk (rolls eyes).

Devon: I know babe but when I saw you with that guy at the club I just felt like I had to step up my game before he steals you from me.

Fatima: trust me, what happened with that guy was a drunken mistake. You have nothing to worry about because I'm not giving away my virginity to him or anyone else for that matter.

Devon: (smiles) okay, good night Fatima - love you.

Fatima: I love you too.

Fatima closed the door and locked up as Devon drove off...

She went straight to her room to get undressed and take a shower, then she put on her sleepwear and went to the kitchen to look for some aspirin because her head was pounding. She searched all the cabinets but couldn't find the pills so her last resort was to check her sister's room.

|Dee's room|

It was dark so Fatima assumed it was empty but to her surprise after she turned on the light, she saw Dee laying on the bed and it looked like she had been crying...

Fatima: girl what are you doing here I thought you'd be at work.

Dee: (sniffles) I was supposed to be there but after what happened last night I just don't think I can bring myself to ever set foot in that place.

Fatima: (worried) wait did somebody do something to you? Do we need to go to the police?

Dee: no no, it's nothing like that - everything that happened was consensual. At the time I thought I was making the right decision to help me reach my dreams but now I regret it (crying).

Fatima: (consoles her) talk to me sissy, I'm sure whatever it is can't be that bad.

Dee: you promise you won't judge me?

Fatima: I pinky promise you.

Dee: okay but before I say anything how come you're just now getting in? You've been gone since morning and you come back this late? Ouuu chile you're lucky mommy ain't here because she was gonna have a heart attack.

Fatima: girl please, what momma don't know won't kill her besides I'm grown!

Dee: (laughs) not in her house you ain't!

Fatima: (laughs) true true. Anyway, Jayla and I just went out for drinks and music. We even bumped into our boss then we danced and... (hesitant) I may have kissed him but it was a mistake, I was drunk asf - shit I still am and that's why I came in here looking for some aspirin.

Dee: (eyes wide) you KISSED your boss!? Tima what the fuck???

Fatima: I knowww but in my defense I was drunk, it's not a big deal though I'll just go to his office on Monday and apologize for my behavior.

Dee: (smiles) so how was it?

Fatima: (smiles) FUCKIN amazing!!! We didn't even kiss for that long but girl the way he held me, his scent, his touch, his lips!!!

Dee: hold up now, don't be falling in love with your boss.

Fatima: (chuckles) it's nothing like that! It was just an innocent kiss but I will admit that it was probably the best kiss of my life.

Dee: I've got one word for you sis... RUN.

Fatima: (laughs) what?

Dee: having that typa connection with a nigga is dangerous, shit that's how Nyla came into this world.

Fatima: (laughs) girl hush. Anyway, it's your turn to speak so what's up?

Dee: okay so you know what goes down at The Pole right?

Fatima: (nods)

Dee: well what you don't know is that before I became  a bottle girl I used to dance, I did it for some years until I had Nyla and decided to stop because I didn't want my daughter to grow up and come across videos of me twerking on a pole.

Fatima: okay continue...

Dee: wait why aren't you shocked?! I just admitted to being a stripper.

Fatima: girl I been knew that shit. This is not news to me (chuckles).

Dee: so you knew and never told on me?

Fatima: no, why would I? I know that you must've had a good enough reason for doing it.

Dee: (smiles) bro you really are the best sister I could ever ask for (hugs her).

Fatima: yeah yeah, I love you too now continue with your story.

Dee: okay so there's this section of the club which they refer to as After Dark. It's essentially where highroller clients go to pay for the dancers to fulfill their every desire... if you catch my drift.

Fatima: yeah I do...

Dee: well last night one of the girls I work with told me that one of the clients was some guy who's apparently BIG in the TV and film industry. Now you know that I would do almost anything to achieve my dreams so I slipped back into my ElektraDee attire and joined that mystery man in one of the rooms.

Fatima: (shocked) whaaat!? Who was the guy? Do I know him? Is he like super famous and was the sex at least worth it?

Dee: woah woah, one question at a time.

Fatima: sorry, who was it?

Dee: (shrugs) I don't know, the golden rule at After Dark is confidentiality both for clients and workers. It was pretty dark and we both had on masquerade masks so there's no telling who he is but I swear on my life if I ever catch that piece of shit it's on site!!!

Fatima: (chuckles) damnnn was the sex that bad?

Dee: not even, I'm just mad because the motherfucker played me! He promised me that he would get me an audition in some film that his company is supposedly shooting from next month.

Fatima: well which company is he with? I'm sure we can find him.

Dee: I don't know Tima he didn't say, he didn't speak much. All I did was give him my number and he promised me he'd call but I haven't heard from him all day!!! (Starts crying) I know it was stupid of me to think a total stranger could be the key to unlock my dreams but he was so damn convincing and he made me think that he believes in me.

Fatima: (consoles her) I'm so sorry sissy, maybe he'll call you on Monday during work hours? Or maybe he lost your number?

Dee: nah I highly doubt that. That nigga played me but it's cool, I'll get over it! I've been through worse.

Fatima: I'm so sorry Dee.

Dee: I'll be fine, it just hurts to think that a night I thought would be a dream come true was a nightmare instead.

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