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| Fatima's old apartment |

Fatima arrived with Ry not long ago. Since her decision to leave from Zac's was abrupt, she didn't get a chance to give Dee a heads-up, she assumed that she wouldn't be busy because she rarely has anything planned for Saturday nights, but little did she know...

Upon arrival, Fatima walked into the setting of a cute slumber party. Dee was hosting Gabby and the twins for an all girls movie night, featuring the kids. Fatima felt a way about her sister excluding her, but she didn't want to be rude by bringing it up in front of Gabby, so she chose to stay silent.

As soon as Fatima walked into the living room, Gabby got up and started packing her and the twins' belongings.

Dee: Gabby, please don't let Tima scare you away.

Gabby: trust me, she's not!

Dee: so then what's the rush? The girls are still running around having fun, and the movie ain't even over yet. Also, I thought we agreed that you were gonna spend the night?

Gabby: (looks at Fatima and notices her luggage by the door) uhh… I don't think that's gonna work out anymore.

Amari (twin): *teary-eyed* mommy pleaseee!!!

Gabby: not tonight baby. Now, do me a favor and go get your stuff from the bedroom, okay?

Amari: (sad tone) okay. *walks away*

A few moments later, the girls (Amari, Amaya, Nyla) all came back with somber looks on their faces.

Dee: why all the long faces girls?

Nyla: (crying) mommy can they pleasee stay? Just for one night.

Dee: Nyla–

Gabby: (interjects) baby girl, I promise you that I'll bring them to come visit you next weekend, okay?

Nyla: (still crying) *nods*

Gabby: don't cry baby, you're a big girl. (Looks at the twins) give Nyla a hug goodbye.

The girls embrace one another in a hug as Gabby grabs their backpacks.

Dee bends down to their level and stretches her arms out for a hug. The twins quickly run into her arms and she embraces them.

Dee: bye babies. Y'all be good and listen to your mommy, okay?

Twins: okay (as they wave goodbye).

Gabby: (hugs Dee) thanks for tonight sis, I really needed this.

Dee: (smiles) anytime sis! please text me when y'all arrive so I know that y'all got home safe.

Gabby: will do (she says walking towards the door). Bye Fatima, (she said before exiting).

As soon as the door closed, Nyla began full-blown crying as she ran to the bedroom. Dee followed behind her to go comfort her..

After a couple of minutes she finally got Nyla to stop crying and then she tucked her in. Thereafter, she went back to join Fatima in the living room.

Fatima: so ya'll call each other “sis” now?

Dee: (sighs) Tima, please don't start.

Fatima: (shrugs) what am I doing?

Dee: you're acting jealous.

Fatima: (sucks her teeth) girl, please! Ain't nobody jealous of that bitch.

Dee: “that bitch” is our half sister. Why are you even insulting her? She ain't even do, or say shit to you.

Fatima: (sighs) okay, you're right and I'm sorry. I take it back, she ain't a bitch. It's just that I'm mad at damn near the whole Taylor clan so she's guilty by association. Fuck all of them!

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