I could never hate you

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Summary: you were sent by the commission to a new mission, but things get out of control.

- "do I always have to do everything?", he said killing the guys cornering us at the moment.

- "I'm sorry for running out of bullets", my gun clicking. "Ok, now you can leave room for the professional", I smiled teasing him. He rolled his eyes and we continued.

- "would you stop being so stupid by putting yourself in danger?"

- "focus on fighting the bad guys, not me!"

- "I can't really focus when you're around", he turned to look at me. "From all the bad decisions you make", he said before disappearing.

I rolled my eyes and continued.

- "ah, finally", he said throwing his head back. "Are you okay?"

- "mhm", I said falling onto a wall next to me, grabbing my stomach.

- "oh shit", he appeared next to me. "What happened this time?"

- "I'm going to be fine, go call the handler", I said trying to stand straight.

- "I'm not gonna leave you alone here with your stupidity"

- "just go!"

He disappeared. I tried to stand straight, that's when I noticed how bad the wound was. My legs gave up and I fell, accepting my soon to come death.

- "y/n? Y/n!", He said kneeling next to me. "Y/n?!", He flipped me face up, inspecting my wound. "Shit, this is serious". The pain woke me up.

- "five...? Did you...?"

- "yes, she's on the way", he pressed my wound, making me flinch.

- "i thought you hated me", I said smiling through the pain, my eyes barely open and my breathing very slow.

- "I don't want to die...", I whispered. Tears falling slowly.

- "hey, you're not going to die, ok?", He said clearly panicking a little bit.

- "I really don't want to die... I enjoyed fighting alongside... With... You..."

- "no", his hand shaking against the side of my face. "No...", He whispered putting our foreheads together. "No, no, no. You're going to be fine, please", he said holding my face with pain and regret. His hands started to glow. Suddenly I wasn't in his arms anymore, I was on the floor. Then I was standing up, the blood from my wound disappearing more and more by the second.

- "Five!", I yelled to get him to distract the guys while I got more bullets"

- "do I always have to do everything?", He said killing the guys cornering us at the moment.

- "I'm sorry for running out of bullets", my gun clicking. "Ok, now you can leave room for the professional", I smiled teasing him. He smiled.

- "why are you smiling? Let's get to work"

- "yes, ma'am"

- "do you feel sick?", I asked him while I shoot the guys at the left.

- "not anymore", he said disappearing to kill the guys on the right.

- "move!", He pushed me when a guy entered shooting at everything and everyone randomly.

- "what are you doing?", I said pushing him off of me.

- "you're welcome", he said getting up behind me.

- "we need a plan", I whispered. Turning to look at him. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

- "like what?"

- "just... Focus", I turned to look at the guy but he wasn't there anymore. I turned to look at five and he wasn't there either.

- "let him go", I said pointing my gun at the guy.

- "him? Let my people go and he can go"

- "are you blind? You killed them all"

- "LET MY PEOPLE FREE, and you can be free too!"

I turned to look at five, apparently he was out of energy.

- "fine", I said lifting my hands and putting my gun on the floor. "You're free"

- "thank you", he said putting five down. "Thank you", he hugged him.

He walked slowly to the door and walked away.

- "that was... "

- "weird"

- "and somehow... Easy?"

- "not very easy but sure"

- "oh, come on. We defeated the bad guys in less then..." I checked my watch. "10 minutes"

- "20"

- "no, 10"

- "no, 10 for you alone, 20 for me, 10 with y/n number 1 and 10 with y/n number... 2", he said pointing at me and then putting his hand in his pocket.

- "what are you talking about?", I laughed. But I was extremely confused.

- "you didn't make it the first time", he stopped in front of me.

- "what?"

- "I enjoy fighting alongside with you, too"

- "that's what my other me said?"

- "right before she..."

I hugged him.

- "so no more fights? I guess...", We starting walking out.

- "unless you want to, I'm always in", he joked.

- "I honestly thought -"

- "yeah, yeah, that I hated you. But I would never hate you." He stopped again. - "I could never hate you".

I smiled.

- "I could never hate you either, partner", I nudged his arm.

- "and what is the opposite of hate?"

- "love?", I said laughing, but he looked at me seriously. "Are you all cheesy because you watched me die?"

- "we really don't have all the time we think we do. So why not seize the moment?"

- "you're joking, right?"

- "if you don't feel the same way you can just say it", he started to walk away.

- "no! I... Are you messing with me?", Tears forming in my eyes. He stopped and turned to look at me.

- "I already told you, if you don't feel-"

- "because what the hell is all of this?", I said pointing between us. "You're always treating me like... Like a moron! And insulting me, and the things I do..." I stopped to breath for a moment, turning around.

- "I don't want you here, fighting with me", he said looking away. "I don't like you to be here, in this kind of danger"

- "so you thought that treating me badly I would quit?", I said not believing what I was hearing.

- "kind of", he said looking at the floor. His hands always in his pockets.


- "even if I wanted to quit... I can't. They'd just find a new partner for me and... I don't know, I would end up dying somewhere else, with someone else.

I walked closer to him

- "I wasn't lying when I said that I enjoyed fighting with you, having you as my partner. Just not... Not when you're a total jerk", I smiled.

- "I don't like being a jerk to you. I'm sorry."

- "now... Now you're really messing with me. Five hargreeves apologizing?"

He smiled, making me smile back.

- "yeah, it's not very often so enjoy it", he said taking my hand and guiding us through the streets.

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