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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 : 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘵 12

dear harriet,
if you're reading this, i'm either dead or something tragic happened. or you were just too impatient. see? i know you well. i'll start calling you hattie now. i need you to tell katniss it is not her fault. it was never her fault. nor was it yours. you did everything you could to prepare me for the games, and i used the skills as well as i could. never blame yourself for something you could've never predicted.
another thing that needs to be mentioned is the way we left off our relationship. i know we've only known each other for a short period of time, but i've felt like i've known you for years, and we've bonded more than i have with anyone i know, other than katniss. but she's an exception. i hope you have felt or feel the same. and if there is still a chance i am alive, i hope you wouldn't mind letting me buy you a cup of coffee when all of this is over. or some ice cream. i'm not picky, i like both.
i will always have a place for you in my heart. i will never, ever, forget you.
remember who the real enemy is, and never lose your spark.

hattie walked into katniss' hospital room, and saw prim playing with katniss' hair. "oh, hey, prim, playing with our girl's hair?" they both looked over to the mixed girl. "hey." katniss softly smiled. "hi. want help?" hattie asked prim, sitting beside her. "sure." as the girls started to play with the girl's hair, a dark man walked into the room.

"miss everdeen. miss fire. colonel biggs, district 13's head of security." he introduced himself. hattie nodded her head, "hello, colonel. how can we help you?" "i know you, miss everdeen, have been discharged, but president coin's requested to meet with both of you first." "is there any news?" katniss asked. "i'm just here to escort the two of you."

soon, the two followed the man into the elevator, and watched themselves sink down onto lower levels. for miles, they went down.

"we were always told there was nothing left of 13." katniss told the man. "capitol bombed the surface to rubble. but we're military, so we learned to survive down here. preparing, training. war never stopped for us." colonel boggs said. "kudos." hattie commented. "thank you, miss fire." he nodded his head, and the two continued to follow him out of the elevator.

lights made up the ceilings. as the two followed him, hattie and katniss took in all their surroundings, all they could absorb. finally, they made it to the room.

"there they are. our girl on fire, and our girl, fire. madam president, may i present you with the mockingjay and harriet fire." plutarch introduced. "what an honor it is to meet you. both of you. you both are courageous young women. i know how disorienting this must be. and i can't imagine what it's like to live through the atrocities of those games." the woman spoke to them. "katniss, hattie, president alma coin." plutarch told the two. "please know how welcome you are. i hope you both will find some comfort with us. we've known loss in 13, too." just then, katniss grabbed onto hattie's hand and quickly squeezed it. she squeezed back. katniss knew hattie had her back.

"this is history. right here at this table." plutarch stated. "i apologize. i wish you had more time to recover, katniss, but unfortunately, we don't have that luxury. please, have a seat." hattie squeezed katniss' hand one last time, before departing with her to sit beside beetee. they hugged as she sat down.

"are you aware of what's happened? when you fired your arrow at the force field, you electrified the nation. there have been riots and uprisings and strikes in seven districts. we believe that if we keep this energy going, we can unify the districts against the capitol. but if we don't, if we let it dissipate, we could be waiting another 75 years for this opportunity. everyone in 13 is ready for this." president coin told katniss. "what about hattie?" katniss asked. "what about hattie?" the woman asked back. "she's the presidents daughter. how are we gonna make sure she is still here by the time the districts unify?" "we will take care of that." president coin assured. "what about peeta? is he alive?" katniss inquired.

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