The beginning

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I sat on the plane, looking out the window. I just couldn't stop smiling. In three hours, I'll be in Spain with my childhood best friends.

My best friends are Grace, Hannah, and Annabelle. They all live in Spain, just like I did when I was little. But when I turned thirteen, my dad got a job offer in California, so we moved there. My mom died when I was two years old. It's just me and my dad, I'm kinda used to it.

I barely speak Spanish as I am only half Spanish, and at home we always spoke in English because of my dad (he's American). My mom was Spanish, but I could barely speak when she died, so I never actually learned Spanish. I always struggled with it at school.

I am going to talk about my friends a bit. Grace has been my best friend since I was born. She understands me the most, and we are pretty alike. She is short, has wavy strawberry blonde hair, and ocean eyes. At summer, she gets freckles. She has two older brothers, Jack and Marcus.
Hannah is two years younger than me. She is really quirky and clumsy. She has ginger hair, green eyes, and gets freckles at summer. She looks just like her mom. She has a brother, Oliver, who is four years older than her, so he is two years older than me.I met Hannah when I was at a fair with Grace. We all became friends, then Hannah introduced us to Annabelle, her best friend, that's how we became a friend group.

Annabelle is tall, has long dark hair, and brown eyes. She's curvy, and she's really smart, but sometimes she can act sooo dumb. She is also pretty clumsy, and she always laughs at all of my jokes. She has an older sister, and a younger brother.

When i was thirteen, I left Spain with my dad. I was devastated. I didn't want to leave my friends behind, especially Grace. But we had to go. California is way busier than the Spanish town I used to live in. There was so much more people and traffic, it was hard for me to get used to the city life. But I visit my hometown twice a year, and I talk to my friends every day, and got a lot of new friends at California, so I got used to it.

I also have a boyfriend, but I don't really like to talk about him. His name is Paul, and he is pretty toxic. He never ,,allows'' me to go anywhere without him, and once or twice he hit me. Everyone said I should break up with him, but it's not that big of a deal, plus he can be real nice sometimes.

I fell asleep. I woke up feeling a bit dizzy. I look at my phone. Twenty minutes until my plane took off. I coulnd't wait.

,,ISAAAAA'' I suddenly heard screaming, and in a second, i see Grace hugging me tight almost breaking my back.

,,GRACEYYY'' I hug her back. I see Hannah and Annabelle coming, so I let go of Grace and greet them.

,,It's so great to see you guys again!'' I say. ,,You too! Omg, you've grown a lot!'' says Hannah. Ironic hearing that from her, 'cause she's two years younger. ,,You too'' I reply, as I hug Annabelle. I am so glad to be here. I can't wait to make new adventures this summer. It's June 20th, and I'm staying until August 28th, so we have plenty of time.

We were all chattering loudly as we were walking outside of the airport. I showed all my papers, and we went outside. Now we have a 30 minute car ride to get to my hometown. Annabelle's sister, Olivia was coming to pick us up.

,,Olivia'' I ran to her as I saw her. Even though she was Annabelle's sister, I felt pretty much the same way for her. She was the sibling I never had, and other than my friends, I was really close to her.

,,Isa'' she looked at me with tears in her eyes. ,,You've grown so much since I last saw you! And you are turning seventeen this summer! I can't believe it! It's like you're still eight'' she said, as she burst into tears. Yea, she's a pretty emotional person.

,,It's so great seeing you!'' I said as she started the car. We barely had any space since her car had five seats and there were five people. Annabelle sat next to Olivia, I sat behind her, Grace sat in the middle and Hannah sat behind Olivia. We rolled down all the windows and sang as loud as we could as we were on the way to my hometown.

Dear home, I'm returning!

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