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"If I was the murder you'd be dead

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"If I was the murder you'd be dead."

In the morning they found out Tara's alive, but in bad conditions

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In the morning they found out Tara's alive, but in bad conditions. They plan to go see her after school. Tara said they person who tried to murder her had a ghostface mask on. A fucking psycho who is trying to recreate the stab movies.

"Chad, can we talk?" Madison asked the boy whom was holding his girlfriend in his arms. "Uhm yea I guess, let's go see the others first." He led her to the rest of the group.

Wes was on the phone with someone. "That was Sam." Wes told everyone. "She's coming?" Amber and Madison rolled there eyes. They hated Sam after what she did to Tara. "Yeah" "Watch everything get worse" Amber let out while Madison sat next to her, her eyes not leaving Chad and Liv.

"Listen, all I'm saying is, with everything going on right now, I think it's time we take our relationship
to the next, most intimate level." Chad said making Madison heart drop. She couldn't believe she had to be the one to tell him.

"He wants me to accept his Find My Fam request." Liv laughed. "It's the smartest option with a would-be killer on the loose. You know exactly where I am
and I know exactly where you are." Chad replied looking at Madison who was looking at the ground.
"Aw, you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend." Liv said smiling at her bf. "And you can stalk me
like a jealous boyfriend" Chad laughed back.

"Is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" Amber asked. "You actually bring up a very good point. Not that I want to sound like a stereotypical jock trying to get into his girlfriend's pants." Chad told them making Madison gag a bit. "Great!" Liv uttered.

"Don't do it, Liv there's a psycho out there you make yourself harder to find. Delete social media,
tape over your phone camera, disable GPS." Wes demanded kinda scaring everyone. "Yes, thank you very much, Edward Snowden actually, your mother just interrogated me about Tara's attempted murder,
which was very fun." Chad let out smiling at Madi for some reason.

"I'm sure she's asking everybody I mean, Ghostface is back." Wes uttered spending chills down Madi's back. "Is it true that you have a less survival rate if your not a virgin?" Madi mumbled, she was secretly terrified of dying. "Of course!" Mindy exclaimed making the girl even more scared. "I want you to be honest, am I gonna die?" Madison trembled. "Most likely." Wes answered instead.

"Fuck off." Chad stood up for her making her stomach have butterflies. "What? She sleeps with someone new each week. No offense." Wes put a hand on Madison's shoulder. "Some taken, actually not some a lot taken. You can suck my dick!"

"The press still isn't saying Ghostface." Mindy told everyone. "My mom doesn't want to cause a panic" Wes responded causing everyone to look over at his mom, the sheriff. "It'll get out by the second
or third killing." Mindy said smiling for a weird reason. "Jesus, Mindy, there wasn't a first killing Tara's alive!" Amber reminded her.

"That means she could still die." Mindy let out making everyone give her a weird look. "What the fuck?" Madison and Amber yelled in-sync. "Or the killer could come back for her." Mindy said. "fuck! Mindy, come on." Chad shouted at his twin.

"I'm just telling you, arm up, okay? Pepper spray, check Taser, check." Wes let out making Madison laugh. "Girlfriend repellent, check" Amber joked making Madison laugh harder.

"Oh, shit. Is that... Vince?" Liv questioned making everybody's head turn to look at Madi's ex hook up, and the boy that Liv cheated on Chad him with.
"Wait, the creep you hooked up with last summer?" Chad asked Madison who's eyes still hadn't left Vince's. "Yeah, he worked with me and Tara at the diner." Madison answered, glaring at Vince.

"He worked with Tara?" Amber questioned. "He's been stalking my Instagram the last couple weeks, posting the creepiest shit." Madison was creeped out by her ex hook up stalking her. "Probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." Chad said showing off his two big buff arms, was Madi drooling?

"Maybe not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff." Madison told him while he put his arm back to a resting position. "Looks like he's leaving, thanks anyway, boys." Liv patted Chads arms, was Madi getting jealous now?

"Tara says she fought back hard, you've got bruises." Amber said looking at Chads arms which where in fact bruised. "From football practice." Chad responded rolling his eyes at Amber. "Oh, sure"

"If anything it would be Madison, she was alone for twenty whole minutes. Just enough time." Liv suggested she tried to kill her bestfriend. "If I was the killer you'd be dead." Madison flipped off Liv.

"Tara's awake, she just texted. I'm going to the hospital, You guys coming?" Wes stood up while Madi smiled at the fact her friend was awake. Everyone said yes except for Liv and Madi. " I'll go but only if someone takes me to get my car after." Madi answered catching up to Wes. "I'll take you, we can talk then."Chad volunteered.

"Tara! Your awake!" Madi exclaimed at the sight of her friend in a hospital bed. "Hi." Tara tried to laugh but it seems like it would've hurt her. "How are you feeling?" Amber asked standing right next to Madi. Before Tara could answer Sam and a man came in.

"You came" Tara slightly smiled at her sister. "Of course I came" Sam ducked down at the side of the hospital bed. "This is my boyfriend, Richie" Sam introduced the strange man. "It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding." Richie smiled at Tara. "Nice to meet you, too" Tara struggled to say.

"Hi" Wes greeted Sam. "Hi, thank you for calling."Sam replied smiling at him. "Of course" Wes replied while Sam was walking up to him. "Look at your hair! I like it" Sam played with his newly bleached hair.

"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all." Sam introduced them to her boyfriend. "Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes joked.

"Amber, hey." Sam greeted her looking at Madison, she doesn't know who she is. "Hi"
"I'm Madison." Madison greeted Sam, who she didn't like because of what Amber told her. "Hi, uhm nice to meet you." Sam shook her hand. "Hi I'm Richie" Richie shook Madi's hand this time. "Hi" Madi uttered.

"Where's Mom?" Sam questioned. "She's stuck at a conference in London. She called me earlier." Tara answered playing with her wrapped hands.  "Yeah, for all of ten minutes." Amber mumbled under her breath but loud enough to hear.

"Look, guys, Tara's really tired maybe we should just give her some space." Amber suggested putting a hand on Madison's shoulder. "Not you, Sam I want you to stay." Tara told her sister while everyone else started to leave.

"Beers?" Chad suggested. "Hell yes!" Mindy and Madi said in sync. Since there's no more school due to the killer Madi can drink all she wanted.

1227 words

"Only think about you when I'm alone."

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