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"What's there not to like?"

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"What's there not to like?"

Madison decided to relax in her room, after being wrongfully accused of being a murder by her own friends

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Madison decided to relax in her room, after being wrongfully accused of being a murder by her own friends. She knew that she didn't kill anyone, I mean look at her she can barely move.

"Madison, hun, your friends are here to see you." Her mom looked as if she had been hit with bad news. "Tell them to leave, I don't want to talk to them." Madison lightly threw her phone on to her lap. "It's about Wes." That's all she needed to hear, what was going on? She cared about them, even if they didn't care for her as much.

Her friends slowly came in one by one, still avoiding her eye. They looked like they had been crying. "Where's Wes?" Madison asked looking to see if he was gonna come in. "There was another attack. He's gone, and so is his mom." Amber answered her face already red from crying. "What? No, he's not." Madi pleaded then began crying into her hands. He was her bestfriend ever since they got a seating chart in third period, when he had just dyed his hair.

She felt her friends come and hug her, the same friends that accused of murder. "I hate to be the one to ask this, but where were you about thirteen minutes go?" Mindy asked making Madi look up at her, in shock. "Are you serious? I was in bed!" She said venom in her voice.

"Ask my mom, I never left the house." Madi told them looking around at her friends. "Why is your window opened?" Mindy uttered, obviously she didn't want to but she had to. "It got hot. How the hell do you think I would've gotten there in time? I can barely even walk, or drive." Madi rolled her eyes at this bullshit.

"I believe you, but I was just making sure." Mindy reassuring put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm really tired, can you all leave?" Madison tried to politely ask, but it came out sounding kinda rude. "Yea of course." Amber friendly kissed her forehead.

Just at they all walked away, she had an idea. "Chad." Madison let out, just as he was about to leave her messy room. "Yea?" He turned at the sound of her voice. "Can you stay?" Madi asked giving him puppy dog eyes. This way her way of seeing if her trusted her, if he says no he thinks she's the killer, if he says..."yea." Chad shut the door, eyes never leaving Madison tho.

He sat down very carefully at the end of her bed, not wanting to hurt her. "You can sit up here." Madi patted the spot next to her on her bed.

"How's your back feeling?" Chad questioned quickly looking at the stitches the sticked out through her shirt, but then met her eye once again. "It's been better, still hurts like a bitch." She mumbled under her breath but loud enough to hear.

"Wanna watch tv?" Madison questioned, already grabbing her remote. He nodded. She was gonna turn on a scary movie, but it didn't feel right due to the current circumstances.

They watched two movies, until Chad and Madison phone both went off. It was the senior group chat

"Party tonight for Wes at my place."

"Would Wes even want us to be out and about with a murder on the loose?" Madison questioned Chad tapping his nose to get his attention away from his phone. "No, but it will be fun to get out." Chad told her, sitting up straight and carefully pulling her up with him.

"Can I tell you something?" Chad asked the girl once they were face to face. "Sure." "I really like you, I always have." Chad told her making her start blush, so she looked down plaid pajama pants. "Why?" She questioned causing him to laugh. If he liked her then why didn't he stand up for her earlier?

"What's there not to like? You have a amazing personality, your fun to be around, and when I'm with you I feel like I never have before. Plus your stunning." Chad making her blush more and her stomach felt weird.

He moved her face up to look at him with his right hand. "You have anything to say?" Chad laughed. "Do you have anything else to say?" Madison teased the boy, her eyes widening. "Do you maybe want to be my-" He got cut off by her answer. "Yes." Madi practically shouted.

"Will you accept my invitation for find my fam?" Chad asked after giving her light kiss. "Of course not!"

814 words

Madison's suspects list

1. Sam
Still Mindy had a good point
2. Liv
Still only cares about herself
3. Richie
Still only bad vibes from this creep
Covering up her own tracks?
5. Dewey
Haven't heard from him in a bit
6. Amber
Still wouldn't hurt Madi
7. Chad
Wouldn't let anyone hurt Madi
8. Tara
Still hospitalized

"Are we too young for this?"

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