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"Your a sight for sore eyes

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"Your a sight for sore eyes."

They arrive at there second favorite place the bar downtown, first of course being the diner

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They arrive at there second favorite place the bar downtown, first of course being the diner. They were around the pool table, which to Madi was the most boring game ever.

"So what is she like, the sister?" Liv asked all over Chad. "Sam? Sam is so cool" Chad exclaimed making Amber roll her eyes. "You only say that because she let you wear Pokemon onesies to bed for a year." Mindy laughed at her foolish brother. "That's true That's a true statement." Chad laughed with her. "Wait, you liked Pokémon?" Madison laughed at Chad not with him. "Yes I did what's wrong with that?" Chad raised his eyebrows at towards Madi.

"No, trust me, Sam is not cool. Her dad left her mom walks right out when Tara's eight, Sam's 13. Sam started acting out, getting in trouble with the cops. And then, on Sam's 18th birthday, she leaves." Amber explained to Liv. "Ghosts them all." Madi added on. "Maybe Sam's changed, I just don't want to see Tara hurt again." Amber shrugged.

"So what, you're protecting Tara from her own sister now?" Wes asked Amber with a confused look on his face. "Well, someone has to" Madi answered for Amber. "Okay, so no guys are good enough for her
and now her family's off-limits, too?" Wes questioned clearly annoyed.

"Mm, motive, if I can't have her, no one can." Mindy let out causing everyone to look at Wes. "What?"
"We all know you have a crush on Tara." Madison uttered smiling at Mindy. "Okay Come on." Wes said.

"But we're all suspects except maybe Liv." Mindy remarked as Madi rolled her eyes. "Thank you" Liv smiling at Mindy. "You're way too boring to be a psycho." Mindy told her making Madi laugh. "You think? she's at the top of my list." Madi said softly looking at Chad.

Before Liv could reply someone chimed in. "Yo, Madi, you want a real drink?" Vince shouted from about ten feet away. She flipped him the bird and turned away. "Or are you happy sitting at this kids' table?" Vince chuckled at his own joke that no one else found funny.

"Listen up, Uglier Michael Myers, it was a summer fling. It meant nothing." Chad stood up for Madi again today. "Was I talking to you?" Vince asked his hand in fist. "I don't care who you're talking to." Chad told him getting closer and closer.

"Madi, let's go." Vince sort of demanded while she backed up more into Amber, Amber made her feel safe she always had. "Don't talk to her!" Chad demanded, making Madi feel some type of way. "I don't want to hear your voice." Vince told Chad getting in his face. "Shut your mouth" Chad was now centimeters away from Vince.

"Better shut the fuck up!" Vince pulled out a pocket knife at Chad, causing Madi to scream. "Get out of here or I'm calling the cops!" The bartender yelled at the group that was creating a scene. "Go!" Chad yelled.

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart!" Vince yelled back to Madi while waving. "Hey, man, fuck you." Chad shouted while he walked back to the group.

"You kids, too! Let's go!" The bartender told us. "Chad, can you take me to get my car now?" Madison asked catching up to the taller boy. "Oh, yeah. Everyone else go with Wes." Chad told the group then kissed his girlfriend on the cheek. Amber seemed to be upset that Madi was leaving with only Chad.

"Amber, don't worry your girlfriend is gonna be fine." Chad teased Amber who was still looking at Madi. "Not if your the killer." Amber let out brushing Madison's shoulder with hers. "Madi just so you know i'm gonna kill you!" Chad joked, or so Madi hoped he was joking.

The two of them got into the tiny car, Madi had to tell him about Liv and Vance. "Is the car at Tara's still?"Chad asked starting his car, a loud vroom sounded startled Madi. "Yes." She uttered looking down at her black converses.  "What did you want to talk about earlier?" Chad wondered while he started to drive.

"Uhm, before I start we just started becoming friends and I really don't wanna ruin that so can you just promise you won't hate me." Madi finally looked him in the eye at the end of her sentence. "Pinky promise." Chad held out his pinky while still looking at the road.

"Liv's cheating on you with Vance!" Madison let out then immediately covered her mouth with her hands. "What the hell?" Chad uttered a shocked look on his face. "I caught them at the party last week. It was a traumatizing moment, I wanted to put bleach in my eyes!" Madi overshared a bit. Chad tried to fight back a smile, but couldn't at Madi's overshare.

"So your not mad at me?" Madi asked. "Of course not, I'm actually kinda relieved." Chad let out a laugh. "What do you mean relieved?" Madi asked while they reached Tara's blocked off house. The car was now stopped, but she didn't leave. "Liv is a bit boring, I need someone with a bit a fire, y know?" Chad had hinted something at Madi, but for how smart this girl is she couldn't understand hints for shit.

"Is it that Angie girl from 5th period? She is a sight for a sore eyes." Madison wondered while the two made eye contact, now facing each other. Chad laughed at her foolishness, making her slap him softly. Her hand stayed on his face while there eye contact deepened. "Your a sight for sore eyes."

She blinked and his lips were on hers, the kiss was fast and passionate. He moved her onto his lap, but while he did that he made her hit her head on the mirror. She pulled away breathless giving him a snug look for hurting her. "I'm sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?" He asked flirting a bit while she got more comfortable on his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist.

She kissed him after she was nice and situated, this kiss was more slower but somewhat better. Her wrapped his hands around her waist and she wrapped her hands around his neck. Just as the kiss was gonna go further, both there phone went off.

Mindy was calling Madison, Wes was calling Chad. They both waited until they catch there breath to answer.

"Hey what's up?"

"Come down to the police station, we have to get interrogated by the police."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Vince was killed!"

"On my way."

1124 words

"No one has to know what we do."

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