A New Graphic T-Shirt

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 I can still hear her scream ringing through my ears as my paws hit the forest floor. The tree's blurred as I ran, trying to block out my demons. I tried to focus on my surroundings. I felt the residue of spider webs stuck to my fur. I could see many fallen leaves coating the pathway that was hopefully out of this ancient tree forest.

After what felt like hours of running, I came to a clearing. Unfortunately for me, many of the trees looked the same, and I wasn't sure if I was running in circles. All I knew was that I had to leave, so I had no idea where the hell I was going, but I honestly didn't care. I just needed to get far away from that monster. I had more pressing things to think about anyways, like when I was going to eat, preferably not a squirrel, and they did not taste good at all.

"Oh shit," I heard a faint voice yell from across the field. At first, I thought it was because of me, a wolf on their field, but then I realized that a soccer ball was flying right at me. I tried to move out of the way but was still quite shaken over what had happened earlier, and the ball hit me right in the ribs. I stumbled, falling onto my side, which happened to make the side of my head hit the ground hard. Before everything went black, I could only remember the sound of footsteps coming closer.


I remember his smile when her body hit the floor. I remember the anger that I had felt toward him. I wanted to rip my brother to shreds, which frightened me.

"How could you!" I yelled at him holding our mother's body close to my chest.

"She wasn't fit to rule our pack!" My brother Charlie scowled. I could not believe the words that had come out of his mouth. Our mother was a great leader; she had treated everyone as equal.

"She was the best ruler, and you don't deserve to rule," I had said, sobbing. I wish my mother would wake up and tell me this was all just a bad dream.

"Well good thing you are banished from this pack, my first act as Alpha," Charlie said with a smirk on his face. Oh, how I wished I could have punched that smirk off his face.

"Fine, I hate you! You are not my brother and never will be," I screamed at him as he yanked my mother's body from my grasp. I tried with all my might to get her back, she needed a proper burial, and I knew Charlie would just throw her body somewhere and burn it.


"Hello?" I heard a faint voice, the same voice from the field, I think.

I slowly opened my eyes, but the light was so bright that I had to close them and try again. Dark blue eyes were staring at me, which made me jump. I scrambled backwards, hitting my back against a headboard. Shit, I was not in the field anymore but in a room that was painted a pale blue. It had a dresser overflowing with clothes pushed against the wall and a black fuzzy blanket covering most of the wooden floor. The bed was small. It looked like it could barely fit two people in it, the bedsheets were black and white chequered style, and there were a bunch of stuffies covering the bed that I didn't occupy. There were also a few pictures hanging on the wall. They were hanging by fairy lights. The room was simple, but still, you could tell someone lived in it without it being overwhelming. I instantly loved it.

"Where am I?" I managed to get out, releasing I was now in my human form. I was lucky to be covered by a blanket because I was naked. Hopefully, this boy had some clothes that I could borrow.

"Welcome to the Wildestar pack," the boy said, which I was initially confused about because I had thought they were human. But then I remembered my mother had told me about another pack that had moved into town. This made me realize I had accidentally stumbled into another pack's territory without permission. Oh, I was in deep shit.

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