I feel safe?

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I woke up with a start, I was having a nightmare. Charlie had taken me back to his cell and had cursed me into a life alone in the woods without a mate, which was the worst life possible for a wolf, to be alone forever.

At first I didn't know where I was, but then I heard a calming voice telling me that everything was ok and that I was safe and I remembered I had fallen asleep to Frozen 2. I was still cuddling up to Cyrus and he was stroking my hair. I knew I should feel embarrassed, but it was actually quite calming.

"Nightmare?" Cyrus asked and I nodded uncertainty. My voice actually still worked. I was still thinking of my dream. Being matless was the worst fear for a werewolf, I wondered if I would find my mate when I turned 18 in one day. I was excited and hoped that maybe I had already found my mate, but that was very rare and only happened to a lucky few.

"I...feel safe," I said, not really knowing how else to respond to that.

"I know you do, but it's ok if you're afraid, I would be if I went through what you did," Cyrus said, sounding sad. I didn't like the fact that he was feeling sad. I want to make it go away.

"A little bit, but not of monsters, I am afraid that I will be alone forever," I explained and now I was afraid. Afraid that he would think I was silly for even thinking that.

"You will never be afraid and that's is a promise," Cyrus said growling as if that could scare away my thoughts.

"I hope you're right," I said, sinking deeper into his chest. I was close enough to hear a fast heart beat. My Stomach grumbled, the food from last night forgotten.

"Looks like someone's hungry," Cyrus teased.

"Hey, it is breakfast time," I said as a really bad comeback, just then Cyrus's stomach grumbled making us both laugh.

"Fine, let's go eat," Cyrus said, nudging me to get up, so we could head to the kitchen.

"Hey sleepy heads," Nat said she was in the kitchen cooking again and it smelled even better than last night's food.

"Hey," Cyrus grumbled, going over to the coffee maker and poured himself a huge cup and drank half of it without putting any sugar or milk into it.

"You know that stuff will kill you eventually," Nat said, and I had to agree with her as I grabbed a cup of water, drowning it in one gulp.

"The world without coffee is a world I do not want to live in," Cyrus said, drowning the rest of his cup.

"Ok if you say so, do you guys want some eggs?" Nat said and I nodded eagerly, but Cyrus shook his head and instead grabbed some lucky charms and dumped into a blow without putting any milk into it which made Nat cringe.

"I would love some," I said and she put some on two plates, one for her and one for me. She then sprinkled some cheese onto them.

"At least someone knows how important breakfast is for the body," Nat said as she shook her head.

"Sure, and dinner is just not as important," Cyrus said, which I suppose was supposed to be a comeback.

"So, have any fun plans tomorrow for your birthday?" Nat said, and I almost dropped my spoon on the floor. How did she find out about that? I am usually so good at keeping it a secret.

"It's your birthday tomorrow?!" Cyrus explained sounding grumpy that Nat had found out first.

"How did you find out?" I said pointing my spoon at her, almost flinging eggs at her face.

"Wow there cowboy, Tess told me saying she overheard Kyle talking about how he was sad that he was going to miss your birthday this year and I think Tess thought it was important to know what day it was so she threatened it out of him," Nat chuckled to herself, damn it Kyle he never could keep a secret.

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