Fireflies Don't Compare

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Shit, we must have been so distracted that we said something else to be written on the cake instead of Happy Birthday.

"Well I could try and fix it?" Nat said, holding in a snicker.

"Not to be mean, but I don't think you would be able to fix this after your pie disaster," Cyrus said.

Everyone was crowded around the table as they wanted to see the cake immediately after we had gotten home from town. We haven't even gotten a chance to tell the Alpha what we had heard.

"Hey, I got it on my 8th try," Nat said,

"I don't think that's any better," Cyrus said while chuckling.

"Maybe no one will notice," Maddox said, holding back laughter.

"Nobody will notice wolves can be dicks?" Cyrus said and I had to hold in my laughter which was a very hard thing to do.

"What made you put this on the cake?" Page said giggling.

"Well that is something that we wanted to talk to you about Alpha," Cyrus said with a frown on his face and I could tell that he was thinking about those poor people that had been killed.

"Is it important because we need to set up for the party," Nat said, rubbing her hands together.

"Yes it is, people are dying!" Cyrus said storming off leaving me in the dust.

"What got stuck up his ass?" Tess said, and Maddox gave her the stink eye.

"I will go talk to him, Nathan, why don't you help Nat set up for the party?" Maddox said and followed his son.

"Ok then, I will be on outside Decorations and Nathan you can help Page with the balloons and inside decorations while Nat, Aliea you do the food and Frankie could you please go check on Cyrus and Maddox make sure they are not fighting," Tess said,

"Who made you boss?" Nat said with her arms crossed.

"I did now go do your jobs, we have a party to throw," Tess said heading outside.

I didn't mind someone else taking charge. I am more of a follower anyways. So I gladly followed Page towards a big pile of balloons.

"Do they expect us to get all of these blown up? I don't think I have enough breath for that." I said quietly as Page laughed, what it was a serious question.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very funny," Page said, still grinning and I just shook my head.

We both sat cross legged on the floor and divided the pile into two large chunks. For the next few hours we blew up as many as we could and had what looked like a massive mountain of colourful balloons.

"Where should we put them?" Page asked but then was interrupted by Tess barging into the room.

"What's up losers!" Tess said running towards our pile of balloons and kicking them everywhere while also popping a few.

"Hey! We worked hard on those!" Page said, scolding Tess.

"Totally worth it and now you don't have to place them." Tess said with a smirk on her face which apparently made Page blush.

"Fine I will let it go, but only this time," Page said, uncrossing her arms.

"Ok I think everything is set up for the party tomorrow, Nat and Aliea are already done with the food, now has anyone seen Frankie?" Tess said and me and Page both shook our heads.

"Ugh, this was Cyrus's idea and he's not even helping, come on Nathan let's go see if we can find him," Tess said and I followed her through a hallway to a big wooden door.

"I didn't mean for you to do all that work for me," I said feeling bad.

"Oh no, I don't mind, I just want Cyrus to help as he seems to take a liking to you," Tess said knocking on the door. I just nodded, not trusting my voice to not come out as a stutter.

"Come in," Maddox's voice boomed and Tess pushed the massive doors open.

Cyrus sat in a big leather chair facing Maddox who was sitting behind a marble table writing stuff down on what looked like a map of the town.

"Hey, we are in the middle..." Cyrus was about to say with a cross tone that made me want to run away. But instead of running away I just coward behind Tess, scared for my life.

"Cyrus," Tess said in a warning tone as she could feel my shaking from behind her.

"Sorry, what can we do for you?" Cyrus asked like he was the leader of the pack.

"Well, we wanted your help on the party set up, but ah it looks like you are busy," Tess said trying to lead me out the door before I started crying.

"Wait, I will come, dad can we talk about this later?" Cyrus added and I wasn't sure if I was grateful or terrified that he was coming with us.

"Of course son," the alpha said and got back to the map on his desk and Cyrus followed us out.

"I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to use that tone with you. I didn't realise that it was you there," Cyrus said looking at me with worry written all over his face.

"It's ok," I said, choking on my tears.

"No it's not, and I am going to make it up to you, there's one hour left until you turn 18, let me show you something?" Cyrus asked, holding out his hand. I turned my head to look at the clock, I really hadn't noticed how many hours we had spent setting up the party.

I took Cyrus's hand and let him lead me wherever he was taking me.

"Ok, I am going to cover your eyes, don't freak out," Cyrus said and everything went dark. I gripped Cyrus's arms afraid I was going to fall.

"Are we there yet?" I said, not really liking the darkness.

"Yes," Cyrus said breathlessly and lifted his hands from my eyes.

Ironically the moon was full reflecting on the water, but that is not what took my breath away. Everything was glowing a bright yellow. It looked like lanterns were put everywhere in the forest near a pond.

"Fireflies, aren't they pretty," Cyrus said and I think my knees almost gave out.

"They look like lanterns," I said,

"Just for you, happy birthday," Cyrus said holding up his phone and the most wonderful smell filled my nose. It was like that crappy deodorant that you buy at the store, mud and pine needles.

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