Children are scary, until there not

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Cyrus managed to pull me out of the way, just in time as Charlie was about to grab my elbow. As he reached out Charlie missed and fell right on his face, there was a loud crunch as we all heard his nose break.

"Yes boss?" Kyle said coming thru the doorway,

"I told you to stop calling me that," Charlie managed to grumble through what I assumed was unimaginable pain.

"We need to go," Cyrus whispered in my ear and he pulled me towards the door. We avoided stepping on Charlie's sprawled body, who had given up on trying to stop us escaping and had turned his furry onto Kyle. As I was pulled to the exit I promised myself that I would find a way to help Kyle as he had helped us.

Surprisingly there were no guards outside the doors as Tess had knocked them out already and they had not come out of it yet.

"You really did a number on them," I said once we were out of that horrid place, I hoped never to return to.

"No one, and I repeat no one hurts my friends," Tess growled into the brisk morning air, and a blush formed on my cheeks. I had never had any friends before this, so this was a first and I wasn't really sure how to react.

"But we just met?" I said instead of thank you,

"And? I can just feel that we will be best friends, wanna bet on it? Tess said, and I just shook my head as I heard Cyrus's laughter behind me and it was the best sound I have ever heard.

"Tess, I think you're scaring him," Cyrus said as we headed towards Cyrus's pack house which felt more like home with each passing second.

"No, it's ok I just never had any friends before this, so it's nice," I mumbled blushing even more when both Cyrus and Tess were staring at me now.

"What do you mean you have never had any friends before this?" Cyrus said ready to defend my honor.

"Well, I have always been the weird kid, so I just decided that it would be best for everyone if I hid in the shadows," I explained and was then tackled by Tess in a bear hug which Cyrus soon followed.

"Well say goodbye to the shadows because you were born to shine," Tess said and I really wanted to believe her.

"Alright that's enough emotions for today, we need to hurry up otherwise Maddox will be pissed," Cyrus said, and at the mention of Maddox's name a shiver wrecked my body which stopped me in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" Tess said admittedly going into a fighting position.

"Cell?" I mumbled as words left my brain, but all I knew was that I did not want to go back to the cell or become a rouge.

"I think he doesn't want to go back into the cell," Cyrus said, like he could read my thoughts. I glanced down at my feet not wanting to look them in the eyes because I didn't want my fears to become true.

"Boy, you are now a part of this pack whether Maddox likes it or not," Tess said like she would personally fight the alpha for me.

"And I won't let you be thrown in that cell, it wasn't right in the first place," Cyrus added, taking hold of my hand and not letting go. I was really truly grateful that I wouldn't be stuck in the woods by myself forever alone or back in that cell.

The Forest thinned out as the pack house became clearer, after a few minutes of coaxing Tess and Cyrus were finally able to get me to move my feet and we made it here just before the sunset. I was shaking, but I knew that Tess and Cyrus had my back and wouldn't let anything happen to me. My mother had always said that I was too trusting, but that she loved me for it.

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