Foe or Enemy

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I only managed to get a few hours of sleep as my dreams were haunted by Maddox and Charlie. I had wobbled my way over to the moulding mattress. It wasn't much better than the floor, but it was something. When I opened my eyes, I had to adjust to the darkness of my cell. I eventually adjusted and saw a bowl filled with mystery green goop and a piece of stale bread.

My stomach grumbled, so I crawled on my paws towards the bowl. I took a bite of the bread and almost had to spit it out because it tasted so bad. I ate the rest of it even though it was awful because I didn't know when I would get my next meal. I put my snout on my front paws, not really sure what I would do if I was stuck in this cell for more than a few hours. I heard the door open and I backed into a dark corner of my cell.

"Nathan? It's just me, Cyrus," Cyrus said I could barely make out his face even when he pressed it up against the bars of the cell. I whimpered, what was he doing down here? Wouldn't he get in trouble? I slowly inched forward, scared he would somehow hurt me. I reached the bars of the cell and Cyrus held out his hand for me. I let him put my ears.

"Cyrus is that you?" A male voice asked, I hadn't known someone else was down here. I jumped back into the corner. As an older looking boy came out of the shadows. He had short brown hair, green eyes and he was wearing shorts with a grey t-shirt.

"Frankie! Don't scare me like that! I almost peed my pants." Cyrus shouted, which made me snort. They both looked over at me. I tried to hide more but it was impossible without anything to hide behind.

"Did he just snort?" Frankie said, looking over at Cyrus.

"Yep," Cyrus said smiling.

"I have been watching him for a while, he hasn't been doing much other than sleeping," Frankie explained which was true, well partly true.

"Oh, well I have been trying to convince my father that he is not a threat and should be released, but my father refuses to budge because of the moonlight pack being here today," Cyrus explains with a sigh. I whimpered, sticking my tail between my legs at the mention of Charlie's pack.

"Good luck with that, when the moonlight pack comes over Modoxx is a bitch," Frankie said, which made me whimper again and push harder against that wall. I just wanted this all to be over. Why couldn't Charlie just leave me alone?

"Nathan? I don't think he likes that moonlight pack much," Cyrus said, I needed to escape, so I started to scratch at the wall and howl.

"Yeah I noticed that too," Frankie said,

"I don't think he's going to stop, do you have the key's?" Cyrus asked,

While I continued to scratch at the wall.

"Why? What if he starts to bolt?" Frankie asks, concerned for Cyrus's safety.

"I don't think he will, but if he does I have you," Cyrus says, holding out his hand for the key. Frankie sighed, but then caved and gave him the key.

"Ok, but please make him stop howling, I don't want to have to listen to that for the next 6 hours of my shift," Frankie complained, Cyrus glared at him.

"Hey Nathan? It's just me," Cyrus said as he unlocked the door. I honestly thought about bolting, but then I remembered what Cyrus said, so I stayed in my corner.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Frankie said, coming closer, which frightened me and I started shaking. Cyrus put up a hand for Frankie to stop and he did.

"Nathan? I am not going to hurt you, just please trust me ok?" Cyrus said,

Cyrus put out his hand and inched his way closer. I didn't mind it, not like when Frankie was coming closer.

I let him softly touch my snout, he stroked it back and forth which stopped the howling. Once I felt more comfortable, I rubbed my fur against his legs which made him fall on his butt. This made him giggle, I started to lick his face which made him laugh harder. Frankie was in a fighting stance and started to advance. I stood on top of Cyrus growling at Frankie to make him stop. Cyrus started to rub my belly which made me roll onto my back with my tongue hanging out. I had never in my life felt so comfortable with someone, whom I had just met.

Frankie looked at us with a weird expression on his face.

"Maybe I should talk to Maddox," Frankie said,

"You just said he was a bitch," Cyrus said smirking at him,

"Well, he might listen to me more than you, and don't tell him I called him that," Frankie said,

"Fine it's worth a shot," Cyrus said with a hopeful look on his face.

"But I am going to have to lock up his cage unfortunately," Frankie said,

"But," Cyrus started to complain but Frankie held up a hand to shush him.

"The key please," Frankie said, holding out his hand.

"Fine," Cyrus said, giving him back the keys. I got up from my back and tried to block the entrance from the cell.

"Nathan, I have to go, but I will be back in the morning I promise," Cyrus said while trying to smile at me, but I could see the corners of his mouth turn down. I didn't like that I was making him feel sad, so I moved out of the way and let me lock the cell.

We all jumped when we heard the door to the cells open. Frankie and Cyrus looked at each other with concern.

"Frankie, are you still on shift," we heard Maddox call from the top of the stairs. Cyrus looked scared, which proved my hunch that he wasn't supposed to be her.

"Yeah, need anything boss," Frankie said,

"Bring Nathan, Charlie wants to see him, and I told to stop calling me boss," Maddox said,

"Ok, how come?" Frankie asked, for Cyrus sake,

"Charlie said that he has killed one of their own," Maddox said, sounding impatient.

"He what?" Frankie said, looking over at me inching closer to the wall. 

That lying bitch. 

author's note: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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