Caught in The Crossfire

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"What!?! I am coming just hang on," I heard Tess and looked over my shoulder to see her running.

"The scent is getting stronger," I said my hands had started to shake.

"Can you describe it?" Tess said now right beside me.

"Um, it smells like, uh I don't know," I said, crinkling my nose trying to pinpoint it.

"Oh shit," Tess said, pushing me behind me, my legs started to wobble and I wondered if I would actually be able to run away or maybe I would just get killed and no one would no except for Tess.

"Charlie, you little shit, Maddox is going to kill you!" Tess yelled at nothing but air, if Charlie was here I was in deep shit.

"You are smart, Tess," Charlie said with a cackle.

"Get the hell out of here or I will tear you apart," Tess growled, getting right up to Charlie's face.

"I would stay out of this if I were you, I don't think you would want to get in the crossfire," Charlie snarled,

"Crossfire?" I squeaked,

"Yes, little brother, I am taking him or Tess gets it, Keir is up in a tree with a bow and arrow, want to see how good he is at not missing?" Charlie says like he just won the battle which he has if Keir is here.

"Tess, it's ok, I don't need you getting hurt," I said walking in front of her.

"Good, now Joel tie him up," Charlie said,

"But, you can't," Tess said frustratedly, but I just looked at her and shook my head. Joel came out of the bushes with rope in his hand and started to tie, really tightly might I add, my hands together. Once he was done, he held onto the rope and started to pull me forward roughly, I looked over at Tess and mouthed to tell Cyrus I wanted to say goodbye. Tess's eyes glowed yellow.

"Get your ass over here Joel," Charlie said, and Joel quickened his pace. We walked for what felt like hours with only a few short breaks.

"How does it feel to be back home?" Charlie spits in my face once we make it to a clearing where the old cabin in the woods sits. I had tears in my eyes. I was trying to fight against the rope, but with no luck.

I refused to answer him, so I just shook my head. He sighed as if angered by my actions, well if it will stall him from bringing me into that house then so be it.

"I don't think he likes you every much," Joel said,

"Yeah no shit sherlock," Keir said rolling his eyes at Joel for stating the obvious. Finally with much struggle from Joel we made it to the house where she is no longer alive.

"Nathan?" Kyle, who I would much rather forget, said from the hallway where we used to play.

"Kyle?" I answered dryly bark, I had missed him, but where was he when Charlie kicked me out?

"Oh my god it's you! I thought you were dead, well Charlie did tell us that you were well that you left us, that you killed her! How could you!" Kyle said, wow that was a rollercoaster of emotions, that he just went through.

"She was my mother, I would never hurt her, do you really think of me as a killer?" I said hoping against all hope that Kyle would see through all of Charlie's bullshit.

"Joel get some duct tape, we can't have him spreading lies," Charlie looked at Joel and he did as he was told.

"I don't know what to believe," said Kyle, but I could tell with his glowing eyes that he believed me. He just didn't want to anger Charlie because he was worried about what he might do to him. Which same, but what about me? Joel came back from getting the duck tape and taped my mouth, so that I could not scream.

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