Strawberries and Pastries

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"I know, but Nathan was hungry," Cyrus said, and I blushed. I really did not mean to make him late.

"Now don't put this on him," Maddox said and gave me an encouraging smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Ok, so why the urgent meeting?" Cyrus asked. I could tell he was getting impatient.

"Well I didn't want to tell you this, but it's not going away," Maddox said, looking down at his desk and not making eye contact with Cyrus. I started to jiggle my leg as I was getting nervous.

"Tell me what?" Cyrus said, jumping up from his seat making us both flinch.

"Um, your mother has gotten sick, just a cough, but unfortunately it's not going away," Maddox said and we both stared at him as it was very hard for werewolves to get sick and even more rare for them not to heal fast.

"How is that possible?" Cyrus said, falling back into his chair in shock.

"We are not sure, but the pack nurse is trying to figure it out as soon as she can," Maddox said, trying to comfort his son, but it felt like he was trying to comfort himself more.

"Can I see her?" Cyrus asked, looking as if he was about ready to bolt out the door to see his mother.

"She told me that she did not want you to see her sick because you could get it and she did not want to ruin your party Nathan." Maddox explained taking in a shaky breath.

"But I..." Cyrus said, but I grabbed his arm and he turned to look at me.

"I think we should respect her wishes," I said quietly as I could feel both of their stares on me.

"Fine, but keep me updated," Cyrus told his father who nodded. Cyrus stormed out of the room before his father could tell him that he could leave.

For some reason my legs were stuck to the floor, as I felt like it was my fault she was sick, but that was impossible, however I could not shake the feeling away.

"Go follow him, he will need a person like you to keep him in check," Maddox said and that made me able to move towards the door and Cyrus who was in his jeep blaring heavy melt music.

I opened the door and he looked over surprised and turned down the music. Cyrus's car had an older feel to it. The leather seats where worn and he had a pineapple air freshener to take the stink of cigarette out.

"Hey are you..." I started to mumble but I noticed a tear streaming down his face. I was never good when people cried, I never knew the right thing to do or say. I froze, not sure if I should wipe it away.

"These are not sad tears, they are angry tears. Angry that they didn't tell me sooner. Angry that I can't help her. Angry that she got sick in the first place." Cyrus said as if he could read my mind.

I wasn't sure what to say, I didn't want to make him more upset so I grabbed hold of his hand and held on tight, making sure he couldn't pull away from me.

We sat in silence for a while and I stared into his eyes. Cyrus cleared his throat and looked awkwardly away.

"Sorry I didn't realise I was staring, sorry," I mumbled, pulling my hand away from his, mortified that he had caught me staring into his eyes.

"Oh it's ok, I just noticed the time and we should get going if we want to grab stuff for your party," Cyrus said, turning on the car. I had a feeling that he was pushing his feelings deep down, but I didn't want to push him any further.

"Ok," I said quietly and we pulled out of the driveway and the rest of the drive was in silence.

"So the town is really small, just wanted to give you a heads up," Cyrus said and I nodded as my stomach twisted in knots. I had never really been into town even when my mother was alive and well. She just didn't trust those in town as she said they hunted our kind. I think she meant wolves, but I honestly did not question it.

We pulled into a cramped looking car park with stores that were boarded up and looked like they had been pulled straight from a horror book and we were about to get murdered.

"Um, are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, and shuddered at the thought of having to go into one of these stores.

"Yeah it's fine, they just bored up their stores because they are afraid of the wolves," Cyrus says using air quotes. As the wolves in question would be us, so actually werewolves.

"As long as you are sure, I am positively certain we won't get murdered," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh shush, they are really nice, just don't mention you are a werewolf," Cyrus said smirking and he hopped out of the car and I had no choice but to follow him into one of the stores.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The person at the front desk asked as me and Cyrus opened the door and a little bell above us jingled. The staff looked friendly enough, the person behind the counter was wearing an apron and had long blond hair tied up in a bun. The smell hit me next, we were in a bakery as I could smell strawberries and pastries.

"We are here to buy a birthday cake," Cyrus announced, and it felt like his voice could be heard all the way back to the pack house.

"Oh my happy birthday," the lady said to Cyrus as she had not noticed me hiding behind him.

"It's not my birthday it's his," Cyrus said, moving out of the way so that I had to make direct eye contact with the shop owner.

"Aren't you a shy little one, how old are we turning today?" The sweet lady asked,

"18," I mumbled and glanced down at my shoes.

"Wow, almost a grown ass adult," the lady smiled,

"Jack, do we have a chocolate cake for this young adult here?" The lady yelled and an older looking man popped his head out from the back.

"Yes dear I think we do," Jack said and glanced at us.

"Don't you start about the wolves, go and get the cake," She said, waving him away.

"Wolves?" I asked my curiosity getting the best of me.

"You boys just be careful out there a few of the town members have gone missing recently and a few found dead," Jack said and then disappeared into the back room.

"Oh don't go listening to him, there aren't wolves around here" the sweet lady said waving her hand.

"What do you mean?" Cyrus asked,

"Oh well there hasn't been a wolf sitting for years ever since the hunters had driven them out of town, but a few weeks ago one hunter saw a giant wolf paw on the ground and then a few days later he went missing. Very odd if I do say so myself, but I don't really like to worry myself about those kinds of things. That's what Jack likes to do. He knows everything that goes on in the town, so what would you like me to write on your cake?"

I glanced over at Cyrus and we made eye contact with each other that seemed to say "this is not good, this is very bad." 

Hi!!! A new part finally sorry for making everyone wait, but finals where kicking my ass. Anyways who do you think is cause wolfs to return in town? and what will they write on the cake? Don't forget to leave a comment and vote! Thank you for reading you beautiful people :) also happy The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology day! what's your favorite song? 

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