Is my heart still beating?

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It took both Frankie and Cyrus to drag me out of my cell. Once they were able to drag me to the living room, they both had sweat dripping from their forehead.

"Hello brother," Charlie said, making me jump. He was still wearing the same clothes from that night. A white t-shirt that had blood stains on it and shorts that were just above his knees that were covered in dirt. He had a long red scar running down his face, good to know that she didn't go down easy.

"I am not your brother," I spat at him, feeling my blood boil, but too anxious to do anything.

Maddox had thrown clothes at me and told me to transform back into my human form. I had looked at the clothes ready to tear them apart, but Cyrus convinced me not to.

"Come on don't to be like this," Charlie said with a sinister smile,

"Be like what? You're the one that wanted to see me," I said, if he was here to kill me, he should think twice about it.

"Well, I need to see if you are still alive," Charlie said, inching closer to me, I noticed that his hand was moving towards his pocket.

"Here I am, alive and well," I said, half of which was true.

"I see, perfect, Maddox had and I agreed that I would get to determine your punishment as you are then to kill one of my own," Charlie said lying through his teeth.

"Came here to kill me," I said, done with his lies. I heard Cyrus gasp. I didn't want to talk to him at all right now, I was pissed off.

"Oh, you think I am here to kill you," Charlie said, trying to convince me that he is not here to do that exact thing, did he think I was going to fall for that.

"I don't want to talk to you," I whispered, trying to sound as confident as I could without my voice shaking.

"I think after this you will have no heart," Charlie said and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"Go ahead, it's not like I have anyone who would care if I was gone," I said feeling a little hopeless and hurt.

I heard a growl behind me and Cyrus had jumped in between me and Charlie, knocking me to the ground.

"Maddox, control your son or he's going to get it," Charlie yelled as Cyrus bared his teeth at him.

"Cyrus what the hell are you doing?" Maddox came running into the room.

"Your son is out of control and needs to be taught a lesson," Charlie said and before anyone could do anything he plunged his knife into Cyrus's paws.

Blood spilled everywhere, it had also splattered onto Charlie's face. Maddox yelled, for his son. I yelled at Charlie to leave them alone. Frankie ran to Cyrus's side as he had fallen onto the ground and started to cry out in pain.

"We had a truce," Maddox yelled with tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck that truce," Charlie snarled lunching his knife at Cyrus, but this time Maddox blocked him and I heard an ear splitting crunch. Charlie howled as he held his arm in a cradling position.

"Get the fuck out of my house," Maddox said and if a glare could kill his would.

"Um, we need to get Cyrus to the med bay otherwise he's going to bleed out," Frankie said looking at Maddox. Cyrus could not die, he's been kind to me since I got here.

"He's going to have to shift back, Nathan go grab him some clothes," Maddox instructed. I ran as fast as I could to Cyrus's room and grabbed a pair of jeans and another graphic t-shirt and then I bolted down the stairs. I heard the crunch of bones which made me cringe as Cyrus transformed back into human.

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