Lavado (Washed)

38 3 5

The waves beckon you.
Come to the shore.
Bury your toes
In the soft ocean floor.
Come let the breeze
Play with your hair.
And here at the ocean,
Abandon your cares.
Come run your bare feet
Through the soft grains of sand.
Rest on the bed of the ocean
When you can't bear to stand.
Let the sun leave its mark
In the form of a flush
On the canvas of you
With its rays as a brush.
Then submerge your whole self
Under the crest of the waves
And allow the soft current
To take your troubles away
You won't be the first,
And I'm sure there'll be more
To abandon their troubles
To the care of this shore.
So let the tide hold your worries.
Discard your sadness too.
For its the sadness contained
That makes the ocean so blue.

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