Brandon Bollig

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"Wow, I'm exhausted!" I throw myself on the couch and let out a breath I almost didn't realize I was holding. I just finished cleaning the whole house for the guests we will be having tonight. Brandon's parents are going to be staying with us for a few days, seeing as though they're in town. I love them, don't get me wrong. They're just constantly picking at every little thing that doesn't meet their standards. The couch should be placed in the corner of the room, not the center. The painting should be in the dining room instead of the kitchen. Don't even get me started on these hockey trips.

"Tired?" Brandon grabs the remote, flipping the channel.

"You have no idea."

"Come here, baby." He grabs my arm, tugging me closer to him. I instantly wrap my arms across his torso and lay my head on his chest. Why would I ever need a pillow when I have Brandon? I laugh at the thought.

10 minutes later, we're watching The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is threatening Leonard to reveal his relationship with Raj's sister if he doesn't follow the rules of his supposed 'Roommate Agreement'. Commercials interrupt the show, making me roll my eyes. They always interrupt during the best parts.

"Her voice is beautiful." Brandon hums along to the song playing in the commercial.

"Ellie Goulding?"

He hums in response. "Yeah, she's amazing," I agree. She is! Her voice is absolute perfection.

"What's the song called? That she's singing?"

"Your song."

"Well, no obviously not," He chuckles. "It's not my song. I prefer Led Zeppelin."

"No, Brandon. The song is actually called 'Your Song'."

Realization hits him and he nods, "Oh! That makes sense. Well, she wrote a beautiful song."

I shake my head, "It's not hers. She must've just done a cover. The original is sung by Elton John."

He scoffs, "No, I don't think so."

Is he serious? I think I'm a little more cultured in music than he is. I lift my head to look at him, "Babe, I'm positive it's sung by Elton John. You should stick to hockey, cause music certainly isn't your forté." I smirk, happy with my comeback. Even though it wasn't much of comeback.

"We're gonna settle this right now!" He pulls his phone out from his pocket and opens the browser. I wait patiently, eyeing the screen. After searching the song up, the name Elton John appears on the side. I mentally fist pump the air; I won't really do it, considering how he takes not being right about things. "See?"

"Whatever," He grumbles.


"Baby, can you come help me with my tie, please?" I hear Brandon call from our bedroom. I get up from the couch and make my way to his voice. When I walk in, I find him tugging on his tie, making it looser. His brows are furrowed in concentration, and his tongue sticks out the slightest to show his frustration. The tie was bunched up in a knot at the top and he was trying to undo it.

"You would think after putting on a suit millions of times, you'd learn how to properly tie your tie," I tease. My fingers fiddle with the tie, undoing the knot he created and let it lay limply around his neck. I then proceeded to properly knot it, adjusting the collar. "There you go: perfect!" I mumble, leaning up to kiss him. My lips linger on his and he wraps his arms around me, swaying our hips to the music playing on his phone. Toto by Africa.

"It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you," He sings, resting his forehead against mine. My hands press against his chest. I close my eyes and take in his scent: he smells like heaven. "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do," I sing back, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him as close as our bodies could take. This feels exactly like a scene from a prom movie, but I couldn't care less. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Plus, it's not like we're going to be getting much time to be as intimate and affectionate with his parents across the hall. "I left my reins down in Africa," He squints his eyes, exaggerating the gesture.


I burst into laughter, pushing him away. "What?"

"You said the wrong lyrics." I smile sympathetically, trying to hide my giggles.

"What do you mean? They're right!" He argues.

"I left my reins down in Africa doesn't make sense. It's I blessed the rains down in Africa."

"Are you serious?" He waves his arms in the air. "Whatever," He grumbles, grabbing his keys off the drawer. "I'm going to hockey." With that, he walks out of the room without so much as a look in my direction.

Alright then. I didn't think he'd get upset over little mistakes he makes. I'm just pointing out the facts, aren't I? Should I hold back? No way, he's being a baby. He should be able to handle these situations like an adult. Then again, am I making a big deal out of this? Shouldn't I just let it be?


To make up for the small mistake of getting him upset, I decided to set up a little movie night for him and I when he gets home. It's the least I could do.

One big bowl of popcorn: check! Two cans of Pepsi: check! A bunch of candy guaranteed to give us diabetes: check! Fuzzy blankets: check! The entire first season of The Vampire Diaries: check!

Say what you want about him, but even he won't deny his love for the show.

The door opens and closes and a bag can be heard dropping on the floor. Brandon walks up the stairs and I immediately say something. "Hey babe."

"What's all this?" He ignores my initial greeting and directs the attention towards the mini-set up. "Well, I thought we could have a movie night?" I ask, more than state.

He smiles, and relief floods me. "Sure, just let me change!"

I nod.


Ten minutes later, we're watching Damon and Stefan talk about the resemblance between Elena and Katherine as I'm cuddled up next to Brandon.

"You know, I actually didn't realize that Rob Lowe played in The Vampire Diaries.." Brandon said, as he munched on a Twizzler.

"Wait what?"

"Rob Lowe... he's a pretty good actor for The Vampire Diaries." He nods in approval.

"Oh, that's not.." But I stop myself before I could continue. Let it go.

"Yeah, I really like Rob Lowe too." I snuggle closer to him and bring my lips to his.



So, there's Brandon Bollig! I kind of wanted to do something different and this is what I came up with haha! Anyways, for everybody who has sent me a request, I promise you have not been forgotten. I make sure to write down all my requests in order. However, if you are a regular reader, then you know that my stories are pretty long and I do have a lot of requests! So they will take long to create. But they will be done! I promise! Since, summer is starting soon the update should be somewhat more frequent, but we'll see! Have a lovely day! xox


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