Gabriel Landeskog

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Sometimes, I wonder how easy it is for people in movies to just have a guy fall in love with you. It's really not that easy. And, I don't understand why these people in movies set up girls for false hope because it doesn't work the same in reality. In reality, boy's are annoying, immature, obnoxious and overly cocky. It's hard to find a guy that doesn't fall in either of those 4 categories.

Hey, if I could script my love life into a 90's movie, I would. Every girl wants a guy to scrape his knees crawling to the ends of the earth searching for her, like Forrest Gump did. Or, have a cliché romance like Jack and Rose did. I'm almost certain, girls would be lying if they said they didn't want a relationship like some of these actresses and actors had. My love life? Didn't even come a quarter CLOSE to some of these movies.
I didn't mind, though. I didn't. I was perfectly fine without a boyfriend.

Beep Beep

I looked over at my phone vibrating on the table. The screen lit up and the name Gabe was written across it.

Wanna hang out? :)

   I smiled.

Sure! :)

Be there soon ;)

Gabe was one of my best friends. We have been since kindergarten. Yes, I was talking about the professional hockey player, Gabriel Landeskog. Captain of the Colorado Avalanche of the NHL. Most of my friends fawned over him, and kept asking me how I was so calm around him. They would always pester me about how I should 'Go out with him' or 'further our relationship'. I mean, yes, he was gorgeous. And the fact that he played hockey was extremely attractive. However, I never thought of him as more than a best friend. It would be weird if we were together, wouldn't it?

   My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the chime of the doorbell erupting throughout my house. I ran to the door, not wanting the person to ring again. My doorbell was really annoying. I prefer people knocking, than ringing my doorbell.

As I swung the door open, I was met with a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, swinging my around.

I laughed, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on tight. When he finally set me down, he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too! I'm so happy were spending the day together!"

"Yeah, me too! Get your stuff, we're leaving!" He rushed me.

"Wha-- Now?"

His eyebrows were raised. "Yeah, now!"

"Oh, alright." I ran to the counter in the kitchen and grabbed my phone, as well as my keys. I almost slipped on the way back, my hand gripping the wall. I could see the smirk playing on Gabe's lips, as he put a finger over his mouth.

"Just laugh if you need to.."

He stifled a small chuckle. "No, no. Are you okay?"

I waved a hand. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's go!"


The car ride was taking a bit long, so I decided to just ask where we were going.

"Where are we going by the way?"

"The arena."

My head whipped to the left, to stare at Gabe. His eyes were focused on the road ahead. Those green- blue eyes.. No no.. stop. "Why?"

"We're gonna go skating." I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"I don't know how to skate, Gabe!" I whined.

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