Beau Bennett

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Ugh. What a day. First, I spill coffee all over a poor elder woman, I nearly get fired BECAUSE I spilt coffee on a poor elder woman, only to miss my bus and walk home in the rain. I was exhausted. And drenched. I grabbed a fluffy towel from my closet and made my way to the washroom. I picked out some comfy clothes that consisted of; gray, baggy sweats, and my "I LOVE NY" hoodie. Turning on the water, I adjusted it to a comfortable temperature where I wouldn't freeze, but I wouldn't melt from the heat. After climbing in, I immediately felt better. The warm water seeped into my pores, and I quietly sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.


After doing the necessary things I needed to do, I climbed out and dressed up. I wasn't dressing to impress. So, along with my lazy-comfortable clothes, I put my hair in a messy bun. Tonight was going to be a relaxing night. No partying, no hanging out, no nothing, I thought. I was way too tired to even lift a finger, let alone go out. I had fixated myself on the couch, when my phone rang. I threw my head back and groaned. Who dare interrupts my peace and quiet?!

"Hello?" I mumbled, lazily. I made sure to hint it in my voice that I was in no mood to talk.

"Well, that's no way to greet your best friend!" 

My attitude suddenly lightened, as I realized who was on the other line. 


He laughed. "What's up, Y/N? I miss you!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in sadness, "Me too! I never get to see you anymore since the hockey season started. When are you coming to Montreal?"

Just because I lived in Montreal, didn't mean I went for the Habs. I couldn't stand it when people kept badgering me at the fact that I didn't go for the Canadiens. I was just as aloud to be a Hawks fan as everyone else was aloud to be a Habs fan. I didn't see what the problem was. 'Go spend a day in Chicago, and tell everyone your a Habs fan, then see how they're going to react', I would tell my friend, Aly.

"Actually," He chuckled. "I'm in Montreal right now."

My eyes widened. "Well, why didn't you tell me this sooner? We have to hang out tomorrow or something."

"Why not now?" I could hint the amusement in his voice, and I felt a grin appear on his face. A few seconds after he said that, I heard a knock at my door. Still confused at his choice of words, I walked over to my door and chucked it open. Standing in my doorway, was Sidney Crosby, my best friend since the age of 5. He still held the cell phone to his ear, and when he saw me, he shut it closed. I must've looked like a 6 year old, on Christmas morning when they would see all the presents under the tree. I was grinning from ear to ear, still trying to process what just happened. 

"SIDNEY!!" I yelled, and threw my arms around him. He kept his arms tightly around my body, and spun me around. After setting me down, I furiously pushed him into my house. 

"Do you want anything to eat, drink?" I offered right away, making hand gestures in the process. 

"Nah, I just finished eating. The team and I went out."

Sidney played for the Pittsburgh Penguins. He was captain and I never had enough of telling him how proud I was. It was a dream of his since he first stepped on the ice, to be drafted to the NHL, and now he's captain of one of the best teams in the league. I couldn't say I hated the Penguins. They were an outstanding team, no doubt about that. But, like I said, the Hawks always had the bigger place in my heart.

I sighed and slumped onto the couch, sprawling my legs across Sidney's lap. He drummed his fingers on my knee and looked over at me. "So, what did you do today?"

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