Damien Brunner

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Requested by; dbrunner24


"Babe, are you sure you wanna come?" My husband gripped my shoulders tightly, staring intensely at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes! The doctor said I'm not due for 2 more weeks. Don't worry. I'll be fine. And there is no way I'm missing your game."

Damien's crazy if he thinks I'm missing his game. It's the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Final round. Game 7. Is he stupid? No way. People would die to get tickets to a game like this, and I have the opportunity to sit in the stands right behind the bench. These chances don't come around everyday. The Red Wings haven't missed the Playoffs for 20 years now. But, to make it to the finals.. that's tough. And they've finally done it. This year, we were going up against The Toronto Maple Leafs. I'd be lying if I said it was going to be easy.

"I don't want you or the baby to get hurt.."
"The baby's going to get hurt if we're not there to watch you!"

The corners of his mouth slowly lifted. "Alright," He finally gave in, lifting his hands up, "But the minute you don't feel well, I'll get someone to bring you home, okay?"

I sighed. I guess I won't complain. The fact that he even let me come is enough.



"Stop pacing! You're making me dizzy." I held my forehead, closing my eyes, and taking deep breaths.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so nervous, you know? What if we lose?"

"What if you win?"


"I get that you're nervous, and I completely understand. To be honest, I think saying not to be nervous will just make you more nervous. So instead, I'm going to say; You need to play your hardest, even if you guys are down a point or two. No matter what, do not stop playing. You push yourself to the final second."

He slowly started nodding, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, babe. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Me neither. Now go get ready, you wanna be there early." I ushered him to go pack his equipment and get dressed.

Phew, I'm just as stressed as he is. He's been working to win that Stanley Cup for a long time. It would absolutely crush him if he lost after he made it this far. I'm not ready to see him like that.


We pulled up to the Joe Louis Arena, and I looked over at Damien. Staring straight at the steering wheel, his eyebrows were furrowed and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tight, I saw his knuckles turn white. I gently touched his arm.

"Hey," I lightly pushed his chin to the right, so I could see his face properly, "You are going to do great. But right now, you need to get into the locker room and prepare for the game, okay? I'll be right there, behind the benches watching you. Do your best."

I saw his chest heave up and down quickly, as if he was undergoing a panic attack. "Okay."

I pecked his lips, and opened the door on my side of the car. While walking into the arena, I held his hand tightly, hoping it would somewhat calm him down, even if it was just for a few minutes. When we arrived at the double doors to the locker room, I shifted my body to face his. "Alright babe, good luck! You're gonna be fine. I love you."

He placed both his hands on either side of my head, leaned forward, and kissed my forehead. I smiled, softly. Alright. Good. I think he's okay.

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