Mikael Granlund

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"This is where we're going for our first date?" I looked over at Mikael, who beamed gratefully at the building looming in front of us. The words 'Xcel Energy Center' were draped across the front. "Maybe this isn't the best idea." I exclaimed, nervously. He shrugged, "Why not?"

I scoffed. "What do you mean 'Why not'? What if some of the players see you walking around the arena without your hockey gear. Or better yet, your coach?!" I said, putting emphasis on coach.

Mikael insisted on bringing me to his choice of locale. I agreed, not thinking he'd bring me here. Not only is this risky, but he could end up in a lot of trouble. I gently rested my hand on his shoulder. "Look, Mikael I really appreciate the gesture. I do. But we could have a good time somewhere else, you know!"

A heartily chuckle emitted from his chest. "Y/N stop worrying, will you?"

"How are you even here, though? Like, what did you tell them that made you stay home?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest. Furrowing my brows, I waited for a response from him. "Well," He began. "About a week ago, I had one of those 24-hour flu things. I tried convincing them that it was a little more than that, so Coach re-assured me that I should stay home for one more game."

I shook my head in astonishment. What was he thinking? He's asking for a death wish. "So, just a thought but uh, have you ever considered what you might do in case you end up running into some of your teammates.. or your coach?"


There it is..

He stared blankly at my face before smirking. "You think I'm scared of Mike?" Pshh, think again, babe."


As we finally settled in our seats, which happened to be right behind the home teams bench; I noticed Mikael wearing a pair of dark, black shades. I nudged him, "What's with the shades?"

"I can't have people knowing who I am, it'll cause a scene." He stated, as if it was obvious.

The game was underway. Minnesota Wild vs. Winnipeg Jets. All the players were scattered along the ice, warming up before the game. Some stretching, some taking shots on net. It was, overall, a typical hockey game. My stomach grumbled, earning an amused expression from Mikael. My hand rested on top of my belly, trying to, in some way calm it down.

"Hungry?" He laughed.

"I missed supper so yeah, a little. Actually," I dug my hand into my pocket, hoping to feel metallic objects and paper lingering around. When I did, I pulled out about 25$ "I'm gonna go get a soft pretzel before the game starts. Be right back."

"Don't take too long."

I carefully excused myself towards the row of people as I walked across. A few had to get up in order for me to properly get by. Some, a little more rude than others, hastily made rude comments. "Watch it!" One said. "How about you sit down?" The other said. Jeez, what the hell is wrong with these people?

When I finally got through everyone, I sighed in relief. Just as I looked back, I realized I had to, unfortunately, undergo the same thing going back to my seat.

I inwardly groaned in frustration. Whatever, I'll worry about it when I come back. Finally reaching the line, I noticed there were was an outstanding amount of people waiting to buy food. Well, this is going to take a while.


As the line finally died down, I moved forward to the counter. "A soft pretzel, please." I smiled gratefully at the cashier in front of me, only to be returned with an unruly frown. She shouted something to her co-worker, who I assumed was making the food. When she got me my food, I payed the respected amount and made my way back into the rink. Holding onto the warm pretzel, my hands started to heat up. I held on tighter, and took a bite of the pretzel. Mmm. Who could resist a soft pretzel?

Finally reaching the row of seats, Mikael gestured for me to hurry up, seeing as though the game was going to be starting anytime soon. I pursed my lips and stared at all the people sitting comfortably in their seats. I don't wanna disturb them. Remembering what they said to me before, I didn't wanna go through it again. Ahh, but I have no choice.

"Hey! Is that Sidney Crosby?" I yelled, pulling a face of astonishment as I pointed to the lodges at the top of the arena. Everyone simultaneously rose from their feet to check if my assumption was correct. That was my opportunity to dash by everyone, since they weren't looking. Phew. I sat down in my seat, breathing heavily.

Wow I'm out of shape.

"That was pointless.." Mikael mumbled, still staring at the ice. My brows shot up to my forehead, "Pointless? It was most certainly not pointless. If anything it was.. unpointless."

"Mhmm, sure."


Going into the 3rd period, we were unfortunately losing 2-1. Mikko Koivu had been the only Wild to score. "Hey," I looked over at Mikael. "Maybe they're losing because they're missing a very good player on the team." I said sternly, enunciating each word so he hopefully understood what I was talking about. But he just shrugged his shoulders, completely waving off the problem at hand. Ugh, what a hard head.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to see a middle aged man tapping on the shoulder of Mikael. He couldn't have been younger than 50. With already minimal hair, and a long gray beard, he had to be about 58? Maybe 60.

"I'm sorry, are you Mikael Granlund?" He pursued, hoping to get a positive answer out of us. As much as I could tell Mikael would have loved to take a picture with the guy, or even have a conversation with him, he couldn't. It would attract too many people, not to mention the players and of course the coach. "I'm sorry, you must've mistaken me for someone else?" Mikael replied, politely.

The man frowned, "I guess so.."


With the game finally over, Minnesota accepted defeat 2-1. Walking hand in hand down the corridors if the Xcel Energy Center, I looked up at Mikael, who was staring ahead. I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh. He looked down at me in a questioning manner, "What's so funny?"

"You know, I would've thought this was going to be extremely tedious and uneventful for a first date, but I was wrong! Really wrong. I'm really happy you brought me here. Thank you." I smiled brightly, making sure to show teeth.

Honestly, this was by far the best first date ever! Actually, it's the only first date.. But nevermind about that..

"I'm really happy you enjoyed it," He squeezed my hand tighter. "Could there possibly be a second?" Putting an index finger to his chin, he tapped it lightly, as if pretending to think. I shoved him lightly and winked, "Maybe."

"Let's just be lucky Coach Mike didn't see me." He said, in a relieving tone.

"Mikael!?" A voice boomed from behind. We both gave each other a "oh-shit-were-in-trouble" look and turned around slowly.

Mike, Mikaels coach was staring from Mikael to me with a stern look on his face. "Uhh, hey C-Coach, what are you doing here?" He stammered. Shoot, I really don't wanna be the cause for his punishment..

"I could ask you the same thing." Mike narrowed his eyes, folding his arms across his chest.

If looks could kill, we'd both be dead by now.

"Look Coach, I know--"

Mike lifted his hand up, as if to stop Mikael from speaking any further. "Don't you realize that its extremely tough playing without a teammate, and that you affected this loss tonight?" He yelled, practically enraged with Mikaels absence at tonight's game.

"Yes Coach, but--" He started, but unfortunately got interrupted by Mike again.

"I want you to be 30 minutes early to next practice, and be ready," He stated slowly, the tension suppressing in the air. "Because you'll be skating laps all day." And with that, he walked away.

I looked at Mikael, who's eyes were wide in fear. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. I didn't know what else to say, so I just rubbed his back, 'sorry's' emitting from my mouth.

Never again.



so I hope you enjoyed this one :) again, thank you to everyone that requested a fan fiction, I really do appreciate it! love you guys xox -S

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