Volume 13: Cafe Date Gone Horrible

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Thursday Morning. Day 5 of Hanahaki.

Izuku along with 2A is in-class learning, Deku still had to deal with Hanahaki and try to not cough a lot. The dread queen had Toga kill all the surgeons that could cure him, and even if some remained the hospital was blown up, so surgery was out of the question.

Izuku Midoriya: *raises his hand*

Shota Aizawa: Yes?

Izuku Midoriya: May I go to the bathroom?

Shota Aizawa: Sure, just go

He walks to the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet there. He couldn't hold it in. It hurt so much that his danger sense was going off, which only gave him a headache.

Izuku Midoriya: *flopped on the floor* (why... why did this have to happen to me...)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (You know you could just ask her out)

Izuku Midoriya: (It doesn't work like that these days)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (You know that was just a nightmare right)

Izuku Midoriya: (It felt way too real... what if it was a vision...)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (then you would have been dating her by now)

Izuku Midoriya: (I'm scared that my feelings will change our bond)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (You know what it would change? Your life, you got at best months to live and at worst you got weeks)

Izuku Midoriya: (I know I know...)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (what are you going to do about it?)

Izuku Midoriya: (I'll get rid of my feelings...)

Hikage Shinomori (4th user): (good luck ninth user...)

Izuku Midoriya: ...

He heads back to class a few minutes later. During lunch, Jiro was sitting down alone listening to music, Deku had noticed. He wanted to help his friend so he called Denki

Denki Kaminari: what did you call me for?

Izuku Midoriya: *points at jiro sitting alone*

Denki Kaminari: oh, not even yaomomo is with her?

Izuku Midoriya: she's with todoroki

Denki Kaminari: and the other girls

Izuku Midoriya: Uraraka is hanging with Moon, I'd assume Ashido is with Kirishima, and I don't know about hagakure and tsu

Denki Kaminari: well so what do I do?

Izuku Midoriya: Ask her out

Denki Kaminari: right now?

Izuku Midoriya: You wanted this chance didn't you, take it while you still can

Denki Kaminari: wise words Midoriya

Kaminari goes up to Jiro, who's currently listening to music, humming the lyrics as Deku watches

Denki Kaminari: (alright, now it's time to ask out Jiro, I can do this)

Kyoka Jiro: *vibing*

Denki Kaminari: *get's behind her* Hey Jiro

Kyoka Jiro: *listening to music*

Denki Kaminari: *taps her shoulder* Jiro?

Kyoka Jiro: *turns the volume down* Yes?

Denki Kaminari: wouldyouliketogoonadatetothearcadewithme

Hurt 'cause I Love You to Death (IzuOcha, Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now