Volume 26: Finding the Disease Giver

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At lunch on Monday

Izuku Midoriya: *pulls down his notebook* this is all I've gotten on her.

Ochako Uraraka: Which is?

Izuku Midoriya: If the information I've been getting is right she likes to look around for couples with problems or people who like other people, she likes to target schools a lot and we know she's working with the league, and I know for a fact Shigaraki wouldn't have let her live after failing so she's probably got one last chance as I got from her underlings she's alive and trying to kill me, now I heard from her she doesn't target specific quirks, but her trying to get mine was a request from Shigaraki for power, so she plans to get my quirk and give it to her, but knowing Shigaraki he will most likely kill her and take all her quirks and Shigaraki with Hanahaki is big trouble, but knowing her if she gets her hands on my quirk she would try to overthrow Shigaraki, and she told me that when I first got infected. Either way, both having power is bad, and if we do nothing about it all we do is decide if the world ends by a dominatrix or the world ends by a man who wants destruction, so-

Ochako Uraraka: Woah Woah Woah, slow down a bit Deku, sounds like you've been thinking about this a lot, which obviously you have

Izuku Midoriya: Sorry...

Ochako Uraraka: it's fine deku, you were just taking a bit fast and it's hard to keep up

Izuku Midoriya: Look I'm just trying to catch her before more people die, for all we can know, she might have infected more

Ochako Uraraka: Yeah I get that

Izuku Midoriya: One of her higher lutenits died, but she doesn't seem to care, she'll be ruthless, are you prepared for this

Ochako Uraraka: Of course, I'm a Hero too

Izuku Midoriya: good, we'll be going after school

Ochako Uraraka: Got it

After school, they put on their hero gear and prepare to go, both of them are on a rooftop.

Izuku Midoriya: It's been a while since we've teamed up together

Ochako Uraraka: It has been, I missed it

Izuku Midoriya: Me too, ready?

Ochako Uraraka: Of course.

Izuku Midoriya: Let's go then, Try and keep up

He jumps off the building, using black whip to swing around the city. Uraraka follows him by floating. This is basically a Spider-Man swinging montage.

They soon land in an abandoned bar

Izuku Midoriya: This is one of their hideouts I've managed to locate, I don't know what we'll find but we'll be one step closer.

Ochako Uraraka: *nods*

Izuku Midoriya: *opens a ventilation shaft* Ladies' first

Ochako Uraraka: such a gentleman *kisses his cheek then goes into vents*

Izuku Midoriya: *blushes*

Nana Shimura: (and you said she wouldn't like you?)

Izuku Midoriya: (Not now Nana) *puts on his mask and goes into the vent*

inside, henchmen were doing evil stuff, they saw a body, unconscious

Ochako Uraraka: who is that unconscious person?

Hurt 'cause I Love You to Death (IzuOcha, Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now