Volume 23: Love is Cruel

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Deku was taken to the ua hospital, where he's currently being checked. Although his heart was beating, He might as well be dead because he isn't responding to anything. He hasn't made even a single sound. Currently in the room is just Ochako and Recovery girl.

Ochako Uraraka: *in the same room* ...

Chiyo Shuzenji: *checking his heart beat*

Ochako Uraraka: how is it?

Chiyo Shuzenji: still beating

Ochako Uraraka: good...

Chiyo Shuzenji: but we don't have much time... there's only one way to get rid of the disease right now

Ochako Uraraka: Surgery...

Chiyo Shuzenji: yes, which I can't preform, we're seeing if we can get someone who can

Ochako Uraraka: o-

Inko Midoriya: *burts in* MY BABY 😭

Chiyo Shuzenji: Woah-

Inko Midoriya: *crying* YOU MUST SAVE HIM!

Chiyo Shuzenji: we're doing everything we can, do you know if your son liked anyone, this disease is love related

Inko Midoriya: I mean I have been guessing about the Uraraka girl he's been talking a lot about

Ochako Uraraka: that's me... Ochako Uraraka...

Inko Midoriya: Really?

Ochako Uraraka: yeah...

Inko Midoriya: Please tell him you love him! He needs to hear that...

Ochako Uraraka: I shouted that at him, right before he passed out... I'm just hoping he heard

Chiyo Shuzenji: then let's hope he heard that, I mean his heart is still beating, that counts for something... Should I leave you two alone sit

Inko Midoriya: please...

Chiyo Shuzenji: *leaves the room* ...

Ochako Uraraka: ...

Inko Midoriya: ...

Ochako Uraraka: I'm sorry...

Inko Midoriya: for?

Ochako Uraraka: for not Realizing he was Sick

Inko Midoriya: it isn't your fault... he tends to not tell people things... he tries to take the pain on Alone... I just wish he would try to get help sometimes...

Ochako Uraraka: same...

Back with Deku in who knows where, he had seen a familiar face... someone who shouldn't be alive...

Izuku Midoriya: (Kacchan...?)

Katsuki Bakugo: ...

Izuku Midoriya: *makes muffled noises to try and be noticed*

Katsuki Bakugo: ...

Izuku Midoriya: (Damn it Kacchan, notice me)

Katsuki Bakugo: You fucking idiot

Izuku Midoriya: (what...?)

Katsuki Bakugo: *sends him flying with an explosion*

The explosion shook Deku, but it sent him back to the sports festival ring, although the crowd was replaced with Ochako only, who were pretty happy to see him about it get beat up, saying stuff they said in deku's many nightmares about rejection. He was now actually wearing clothes, those being his casuals. The plants in his mouth turned to ash, letting him speak.

Hurt 'cause I Love You to Death (IzuOcha, Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now