Volume 28: To look for a Spy

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That same night, Izuku and Ochako are sitting in his room.

Izuku Midoriya: *thinking* ...

Ochako Uraraka: *same*

Izuku Midoriya: Maybe we are overthinking this...

Ochako Uraraka: Hm?

Izuku Midoriya: there might not be a spy

Ochako Uraraka: what makes you say that?

Izuku Midoriya: I can't believe anyone would try to prevent someone from being cured

Ochako Uraraka: maybe not a friend, but maybe a staff or something

Izuku Midoriya: When I had Hanahaki I was able to get pain killers and I was very careful when I took them, I feel I would of noticed someone, then again, maybe after they infected me they never bothered to check

Ochako Uraraka: maybe but why would they stop you from taking pain killers when they don't counteract the disease

Izuku Midoriya: didn't even delay it, just made it hurt a bit less

Ochako Uraraka: so why would they stop you from doing so?

Izuku Midoriya: prevent me from getting close to you or making me think bad things about you

Ochako Uraraka: Maybe they did?

Izuku Midoriya: There was nightmares... and they stopped after I was cured

Ochako Uraraka: *hugs him*

Izuku Midoriya: *hugs back* their gone now

Ochako Uraraka: still not happy about it....

Izuku Midoriya: It's all in the past now *let's go*

Ochako Uraraka: I hope so

Izuku Midoriya: someone must have also been able to hack the ua screen to have that video play back at the festival, Someone who would be good with technology

Ochako Uraraka: definitely 

Izuku Midoriya: I'm sure their panicking their plan didn't work, but they are likely planning a back up plan

Ochako Uraraka: most likely

Izuku Midoriya: here's who I can 100% take out of the suspicious list with evidence, Kaminari and Jiro

Ochako Uraraka: Just them?

Izuku Midoriya: i wish I could do all of them for sure, but at least for now just them, Kaminari almost got infected, and Jiro obviously didn't know he was planned, it was meant to draw me out, so what I think is someone else knew of their date, someone watching them. I know Kaminari only told me and based on reactions from Jiro when she accidentally revealed their relationship, no one seemed to 100% know

Ochako Uraraka: I would definitely also say Mina is definitely off the list She tried to make me ask you out to many times for her to be the one working to infect you

Izuku Midoriya: And yet I never figured you liked me, i was told by Her of how many times she tried

Ochako Uraraka: figures, and she still has found ways to tease me, her newest attempt was pressuring me to tell them that I saw you in your underwea- 🫢

Izuku Midoriya: I- wha- 😳

Ochako Uraraka: yeah... so... when you asked me to turn around... I may have... peaked... Accidently it wasn't on purpose! I swear!

Izuku Midoriya: is that why you were bleeding form your nose?

Ochako Uraraka: Yep... sorry...

Izuku Midoriya: thats fine, don't worry, you've seen me in a swimsuit one time, it's not that different

Hurt 'cause I Love You to Death (IzuOcha, Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now