Author's Note: What is Love

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The end... just the end...

I finally finished this MHA Fic that took me forever to complete. I can say I'm proud of this fic. 

2023 has been a year of a lot of things happening to me, and especially me asking myself the question: What is Love.

Baby don't- ok I won't do that joke again.

I did promise to answer some questions you might of had based on my choices for the fic, and if I missed any or if you still have some, feel free to ask and I'll respond.

So I was originally going to wait till 2024 to post this, but I think it works better if I post it this year, the year where I really started to question the true meaning of love.

Like I said before, this idea came to me a long long time ago, but I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with this fic, until I came across a fictional disease called Hanahaki.

I have made two stories about this diseases, one of them being this one, and the other being a Persona 5 one.

Even though I settled on this, I had a lot of ideas planned that weren't able to be properly thought out, like I originally had the final battle take elsewhere and Deku and Ochako in fancy attire, but that had to be cut as I couldn't figure out how to be done. There is a ton of things I wanted to add and/or work more on but due to time they had to be cut, but I am proud of what I did write.

I've seen a few fics where it's Ochako who get's the disease, but I decided to give it Deku as I haven't seen any Izuocha fics to do that. The main problem was trying to make it believable Deku would be able to get it, so the best idea was to make him constantly suffer, I could of made it had been naturally but I had other characters who kept trying to put him down.

Now why it was a Quirk and not just naturally, it's an mha fic, having it be a quirk would make it interesting.

And the original plan was not to have any oc's except Dread Queen, but then I realized, I needed someone to keep Deku in check

Hence force, Harumi Moon/Harumi Tsubaki, this piece of shit oc I made.

Did I base her off anyone I know irl? No, this applies to all my oc's, aside from twisted views of love I've heard, seen, and worst case senecio, thought at one point, I didn't base any oc's on people I know.

Fun fact, I called her Harumi based on another traitor character from a different show, comment down below if you know who I mean.

Once I made this oc, I had plans to make her Ochako's "friend" to keep her in check as well, but like I've said, a lot happened in 2023, especially in what I thought love was.

No, I did not end up dating anyone, like I'd be able to get lucky there, but I was a witness to two bad relationships in real life, I slightly mentioned both of them in here but kept names out.

I almost lost a friendship due to one of them, luckily I was able to somewhat salvage it thanks to him coming to his senses. That friendship is still rocky, and the chapter I mentioned it was just kind of my last middle finger for what happened as that was planned for a while, but we're doing alright now. I had that chapter planned before we fixed things up and had part of it written before we ended up healing that friendship.

Some of Dread Queen and Harumi's Views came from what I thought, a bit execrated but honestly, I kinda ended up agreeing with them, but that doesn't mean love is some kind of disease.

Love is meant to be beautiful, but in today's world it's really hard to love people as not there isn't just a fear of rejection, but a fear of everything going wrong. I do believe people can still fall in love during this time, but it's hard with what's going on in today's world of dating, but everyone is capable of finding the one.

Life isn't like one of my fics, where I know what will happen next and that characters get happy endings, I can't predict what would happen, it's why for a time I have refused to fall in love with anyone. I still do, but I'm starting to allow myself to feel love. As I'm writing this I haven't had a crush on anyone, but I'm not opposed to dating, I just have to be careful.

I know there's a term/sexuality for not wanting to date or something, but I don't want to bother googling it because I know I'm not that, I'm a guy, and I like woman, but I haven't falling in love with anyone yet, I'm waiting for the one.

Writing this fic... It changed me, especially with the oc's and writing twisted views on love, which some might say is the truth. 

IzuOcha was one of the first ships I shipped, not the first but one of the first, definitely the first in mha, I found it beautiful how they interacted with each other in the anime, made some fics about them.

But even though I'd love to write more IzuOcha, like I said before I'm not going to. I will still forever love this ship, but I'm simply out of ideas, and I also want to move onto write for more fandoms. I already have 3 Persona stories in the works and since those are longer, I'd feel it be best if I'd leave IzuOcha fics in the hands of other writers, I know my fellow IzuOcha shippers can make great if not (which is more likely to be) better IzuOcha stories like mine.

Now I want to give out some personal thank you's to the people who have helped me in this fanfic

Thank you HailKaiser, for helping me out with my Oc's. I know it's been a while since we talked due to our busy schedules, but even if it wasn't much and even though you knew nothing about My Hero Academia, I really appreciate the support I've been given. Hope to talk to you soon, Nose Boop.

Thank you AfamaBeker, for helping me out with the Deku torture cause I know I wasn't able to be cruel to him, especially thank you with the chapter "A Beautiful Lie" as that was all her, yeah I can't be that cruel, I always cry when I read it. Also thank you for helping me make Hoshi Chiharu, he definitely helped out plot wise for this fic and I can't imagine a version without him.

Thank you to my Anon friend on discord (he choose to stay anon), you really helped me out with making sure the chapters made sense and naming some of my oc's and keeping the existing MHA cast accurate to the Manga/Anime. You helped me from beginning to end even though you weren't the mood at times, I hope I can repay you. And also thank you for supporting me during my bad times when I thought love wasn't worth it, I don't think I'll be falling in love any time soon, but you helped me make it easier if that is to happen.

And a special thank you to each and everyone of you who read this fic, your support means everything to me, my updating dates were all over the place and I am sorry you had to wait so long, but I managed to get this book posted before new years.

I don't plan to quit Wattpad or to stop making stories any time soon, but making another IzuOcha or Mha fic will likely not be soon, so I'll just recommend you my other past MHA Fics, yes their cringy as fuck but a lot of people have recently started to read those, so I guess their decent enough. Honestly just go read someone elses MHA Stories.

but I do hope to see you continuing to support me, even though I won't do MHA Stories I'll still be "IzukuTheStoryMaker" as Izuku Midoriya Aka Deku is my favorite anime character, and IzuOcha was what started my writing, it be insulting if I change the name. 

I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I'll see you all next year, goodbye...


Hurt 'cause I Love You to Death (IzuOcha, Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now