Chapter 5 : So Close

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It's been months. Draupadi wiped her tears. Karn didn't apologize. He only speaks with her related to the Kingdom otherwise they dont even look at each others face.
What is her fault? She feels like a complete fool. In these months. she realized Karn hates her. Maybe he was forced to participate. He just wanted to prove his skill. He never intended to marry her. And she is forcing this marriage on him. If she knew she wouldn't have ever garlanded him.

"Maharani, Maharaj is calling you for dinner," a maid informed.

"I won't have dinner. Ask Maharaj to excuse me," Draupadi said walking away from their.

Karn frowned hearing that. She didn't eat anything the whole day. Karn noticed she keeps getting lost in her thoughts for a few weeks. She has become so thin because she skips her meals almost regularly. Whom is she punishing by doing this?

"Get me her dinner. I will go to her," Karn ordered.

The maids looked at each other surprised. Maharaj himself wants to go to her! They quickly prepared a plate and handed it to Karn. Karn looked around. Yojanganda she is, it's not hard to find her at all. He followed the blue lotus scent strongly coming from the garden. As he walked near, he could hear sniffing sound. He saw her leaning against a tree and sobbing.

"What should I do? He hates me so much," Karn heard her say.

Karn's heart twisted painfully. He doesn't hate her. In these months he has came to love her so much that he is afraid of his own feelings being so intense.

"I love him even after he did all this things to me. It hurts so much that he doesn't acknowledge me as his wife at all,"

Karn wanted to reach out to her. Wanted to tell her how sorry he is. Wanted to tell her she belongs to him only.

"If only I knew I wouldn't have garlanded him. Instead I would have chosen Rajkumar Arjun,"

Karn froze in his place. The hand that was going to reach to her stopped in the mid air. What did she just say? She finally regrets choosing him. He stormed away from there not willing to show her the tears.

He went to his chamber. How painful it is when your wife says another man's name from her mouth Infront of her husband! How could she say that she would rather choose Arjun than him!
'Idiot, it's because of you she is suffering. So don't make this tall claims about her being your wife. You made no efforts to win her heart,' his mind said.
He punched the pillar Infront him. It cracked immediately. He looked at his bleeding hand. Draupadi's painful sobs are affecting him much more than he thought. But what can he do? She is also angry at him and he doesn't know how to strike up a conversation with women.

All the accusations he had of her, in these months he realized how baseless those were. She is simply way too humble and kind. Her selflessness is beyond words. She never pretended. Karn's heart thumped. She said she loves him. But what did he do for her love? He only gave her pain. He only hurted her where she deserves to be treated in the most affectionate way. She has been brought up with immense love and care. Even Mahamahim was adamant about having her as his granddaughter in law. Guru Drona loves her as his own daughter. And look at her condition now. Her eyes swollen from crying. She is getting thinner day by day. And her own husband is responsible for this.

Karn sat down on his bed. How can he make the relationship between his wife and him cordial? He is afraid of totally giving his heart to her. What if one day she decides to leave him? How will he survive then? Is it better this away? Even if they aren't happy with each other now, but she is with him as his wife. She is staying by his side. She can leave him after she discovers what a mess he is. His own mother abandoned him by birth. How inauspicious he is! She will be disguisted by him.

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