Chapter 21 : New Bond

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Bheem rubbed his forehead annoyed. The kitchen is a mess right now and it's solely because of two person who are great warriors. Karn is covered up to bottom in flour and Duryodhana is laughing in a corner.

"I went away for only a little time and this is what you two do?" Bheem says angrily.

"Just fry this huge puri," Duryodhana pointed at Karn.

Bheem sighed. They won't listen at all.

"Just clean everything, okay? And Angraj mind clean yourself up? Seriously what were you thinking?" Bheem scolded.

Karn began to clean himself up with a towel in a corner. Only if Draupadi sees him like this, she will never let him forget this incident.

Bheem looked at them. Who will say that sulking man in the corner is Maharathi Karn? Who will believe this mischievous man is the the most feared prince of Hastinapur?

"Just clean up you two and don't touch anything out of my instruction," Bheem grumbles.

Karn and Duryodhana nodded like a good boy they are. Bheem instructed them. In Bheem's annoyance, Karn was good to follow instructions whereas Duryodhana is a mess. He will do the exact opposite of what is being said.

"Duryodhana, learn something from Angraj at least. What are you doing?" Bheem yells.

"I am doing what you told me. Don't blame me if you can't give instructions," Duryodhana yells back.

"I asked you to add chilli powder not Haldi," Bheem shouts.

"How does it matter? They are all the same," Duryodhana is firm in his argument.

Bheem wanted to bang either his or Duryodhana's head on the wall. In this life even Nakul who never came to the kitchen can do better than him.

Bheem walks beside Karn who is very carefully adding spices to the food. Bheem stood there satisfied. Atleast one is decent enough.

"Arya," a melodious voice made Bheem turn towards the door.

Draupadi came to check on her husband. He is a decent person to follow rules but definitely not a cook. It's beyond his limits.

"Pranipath Rajkumar Bheem," Draupadi smiles softly at Bheem.

"Pranipath," Bheem got back to his work. He was surprised for a second to see the most beautiful woman of Aryavarta behind him.

"Bhabishree!" Duryodhana cried out.

"Bhabishree, look how can a warrior like me cook? I am sick and tired of this. How can a newly married groom stay away from his bride?" Duryodhana whines making both Bheem and Karn roll their eyes at him.

"Then how about you go to her while I do the rest of the work?" Draupadi proposes.

Duryodhana did a happy dance screaming Bhabishree Draupadi is the best and then ran away.

Bheem again focused on his work but he felt Draupadi standing beside him.

"Rajkumar Bheem as you are instructing today's meal. Tell me what to do," Draupadi says softly.

Bheem still hasn't forgotten Arjun's insult in Panchal. His younger brothers loved this woman, still does but she tossed aside his feelings like a piece of paper.

"Prepared the rice and curd," Bheem says.

Draupadi didn't mind his rude voice. She went to prepare what Bheem asked.

A few moments passed. A giggle broke Bheem's thoughts. He turned to see Karn trying to make the parathas. Those were anything but round. Bheem scoffed looking at Karn who still can't figure out how the parathas are so disfigured.

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