Chapter 16: Kashi

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"Arya, we will get late," Draupadi groaned.

As much as she loves to stay in his embrace, he doesn't let go easily. She has to beg a lot for him to let her go. And that's what she has been doing from the past one hour.

Karn kissed the back of her neck. His arms encircled around her waist.

"Don't blame the poor me. Who told you to look so ravishing? I lose control over my body and my mind seeing you," Karn whispered.

"Arya, bhrata Duryodhana will come soon. I have to welcome him," Draupadi tried to wiggle away from his hold.

"Kiss me first. Then I will let you go," Karn said huskily.

"No, leave me," Draupadi struggled in his hold.

"Then stay in my arms all day. I swear I won't let you leave," his arms around her tightened.

Draupadi faught bravely. Finding no other way she bit his arm only to find him looking at her amazed.

"You did that before," Karn laughed.

"I didn't," Draupadi argued back.

"You bit me so many times. See," Karn displayed his neck.

Draupadi blushed and slapped his arm, "Arya stop."

"Make me," Karn whined.

"You won't like the consequences, Arya," Draupadi smirked.

"I shall face it," Karn's hands roamed on her naked skin of her belly.

Draupadi leaned into his embrace. Her lips leaving soft kisses on his cheeks. Karn closed his eyes in pure Bliss a smile appearing on his lips instantly.

"Now, was it too hard?" Karn asked.

He couldn't finish his words as Draupadi's lips fall on his. She never initiated this much intimacy while not being intoxicated of course. Karn's heart skipped a beat. Her soft lips pressed against his in a tender manner. Before Karn could come out of his shock state and kiss her back, Draupadi giggled and ran away. Only if she turned around she could see Karn in a similar state as her. His heart racing, his neck and ears red as a smile graced on his lips.

"Bhabishree, when will we go to Kashi?" an overly excited Duryodhana asked.

Draupadi who was doing his arti smiled. Such an impatient man he is!

"Duryodhana, how about you let her do your arti first?" Karn said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Mitra Karn," Duryodhana jumped and hugged him tightly.

Draupadi smiled seeing the reunion of two friends. Karn though gets annoyed by him most of the time, he also loves Duryodhana a lot. And let's not talk how much Duryodhana loves him as well.

"Arya, bhrata let's go inside. I have prepared all your favorite meals," Draupadi said.

Duryodhana's eyes sparkled with joy. As Bheem says food is the solution of everything. And while they were in Panchal, they heard people talking about delicious foods made by their princess. They call her Annapurna.

Of course Duryodhana wasn't disappointed.

"Bhabishree, this food is the most delicious I had in my life," he exclaimed almost crying.

Karn shook his head. He can't blame him for going gaga. Draupadi cooks the most delicious foods. Though he doesn't want her to work too much, secretly he really waits for her food. Draupadi being a sweetheart she is, understands his need very much. She cooks for him everyday.

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